Booklet of Mantras Part I

Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

  • Repeated recitation of this mantra will destroy mental sufferings
  • You can cross any (troubled) waters
  • For fulfilment and accomplishment
  • Takes care of your next lifetime

Om Hreem Taha

  • Mantra to curb violence anywhere
  • A mantra for world peace

Om Hreem Padhma Nande(y)shwara Hoom

  • Liberates you from the unwanted karmic influences from past lifetimes
  • Protects one from any accident
  • To build enormous wealth or to amass wealth, one has to chant this mantra day and night

Srinivasa Aravindhalochana

  • To help one come out of legal entanglements or confinement

Kadgam Saranam, Sangam Saranam, Saarngam Saranam

  • To channelize anger or hurt

Pasupadhim Mahaadevam

  • To come out of temptation, craving, addictions, and infatuation


To take decision as per the divine will

Vajreswari Vaamadevi Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha

  • You will become compassionate and everybody will start loving you.
  • Your physical heart becomes stronger.
  • You will always be youthful.
  • We will die naturally, at the same time not be bed ridden.
  • To have balance in the body.

Wung R Hong

  • Improves portal circulation as well as Brain Circulation
  • Because we are standing up all through the day, very little blood goes to brain. This is taken care by the sound R. This mantra activates the nervous system too.
  • To align the frequency of the Astral body with our Physical body apply this mantra. Bring the hands together to Hara chakra without any physical effort while chanting it continuously. Your left hand should come first and then the right hand.

The pronunciation rendering of Mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana – (98843 01634) or to buy CDs.