Benefits of Bhajans Singing

If the mind is attached to the body then we always think about it. Then whatever happens to the body is more painful to us. Therefore, we had to detach the mind from body? How? By listening to Bhajans or doing Keertans is one way of releasing body from mind and completely disassociating from it.

As long as you’re concerned about body, there will be shyness in our approach. This can be removed with help of Bhajans.

Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras.

Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself. So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

Speciality of Namas is, each of them work with different parts of the body. Kesava mantra, acts on Hara chakra. Kesavam Narayanam is a cleansing mantra. Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.