Rule: Release Your Emotions Gain Energy

Satya’s servant was absent for a week.

Her younger sister Viji asked Satya to look after the household work and said, “You are making less money than me. So I think you should take care of the house today”.

As one would expect, Satya was very upset. However, she couldn’t say ‘No’ to her sister.

She decided to try the 1% release technique (see below).

She released her feelings and emotions one percent at a time. She did this until she has almost released every thought and emotion she was feeling then.

Surprisingly after a hard day’s work she felt more energetic than usual!

Reason Behind The Effectiveness of Rule Release 1% of Emotion

Let us say you are unemployed.

I will explain this in the form of a mathematical equation.

X = Y + 10, where ‘X’ is the unemployment state, and ‘Y’ is your present state of mind.

You do not have a direct influence over X.

But you can change Y into Y-1 or Y-2, which will in turn change X.

I mean, if you change your state of mind(Y), your unemployment status ‘X’ cannot remain the same.

Because Y has changed, X has to change too. So you have to become employed (soon).

Change Your Thoughts/Emotions, Change Your Life Situations!

Satya’s Steps to Execute RULE

What is my current feeling?

I feel terribly irritated.

Can I release the feeling of irritation?


Can I release just 1%?


I release 1% of the irritation.

Can I release some more?


I release 10%.of the irritation.

Like this she did. After some time, she was totally free from irritation.

Why we have to release 1%?

Then there won’t be a protest from the mind as you are releasing only one percent. Therefore, the mind keeps quiet and feels comfortable about the situation.

Though, this action releases the control of your thoughts and emotions over you.