
A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part I

Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

There are 39 Bach Flower Remedies.

They can play a very important role in a person’s life.

First of all we need to understand that:

Why I need to observe myself?

The moment you start watching the mind, the mind will stop its normal course of reacting automatically.

How our mind exists? It exists due to our thoughts and emotions.

When you start observing your thoughts and emotions, your mind will stop thinking. Therefore, it will not exist to influence us.

How do I practice this self-observation?

What are the steps to analyze our mind?

When your reaction is ‘A’ result ‘B’ happens. When you change your reaction to ‘C’, result ‘B’ cannot happen. It has to change.

Are there any tools available to change our reactions

Why should I change my actions in a different way? Is there is any help available to me for me to change effortlessly?

Yes, it is available in the form of Bach Flower Remedies. Just by taking the Bach Flower Remedies in the form of pills you can achieve the following: