
A perfect balancing act


Can a person who can’t afford to buy CD or books ask from person who has purchased your items? Can one copy for self from the books and CDs?

It’s a humble request to know. I am not asking for myself. It’s for those who need healing your way.


If anybody can’t afford to buy, let him contact me in person. Affordability is subjective. Anything that is got free has no value.

The whole universe is a transaction of balanced giving and receiving. One cannot break the cycle. If you want to give free to others, you buy and give. Why should you copy?

You may ask why Naran blogs are giving simple solutions free. Here by giving answers to various questions I am learning the healing process. I give, to receive the grace of healing and teaching.

However, when anybody comes to my personal mail they have to pay a consultation fee.


Thanks a Lot for replying. I just asked this question because many people and many links do not allow copying the subject.

Yes, I am very grateful to you for sharing so much great values – just not suggesting remedies but also suggesting being a humble person, to be a wise person and showing us a right way to lead life.

And I never meant anything wrong. I had a thought to help people, if anybody needs at the time of emergency.

I humbly request you for not misunderstanding me .Thanks for sharing so much goodness with OPEN Heart. God bless you.


I did not misunderstand you at all. I just gave my answer.

You can ask people to come to the link or take a print out and send to as many as possible.

The products like books, CDs and pills involve cost and that is what I meant by that.

Best of divine grace to you always!!!