
Attending a VIP’s Wedding

A Water Violet person is an unfriendly person. Nobody approaches him as he thinks he is superior to others, while others are inferior to him.

Let us say, we go to a wedding reception. We only know the bride and the groom. We don’t know anybody other than them. How we are going to have company in the wedding hall? Bach Flower Remedy Water Violet will find friends for you.

Case History

A wife of an ex-minister attends a celebrity wedding. The street was full of cars. She left her car way back from the wedding hall and started walking towards it.

Water Violet and Larch goes hand in hand. When we meet people in superior status (Water Violet), then we will have low confidence (Larch). The lady chanted both Water Violet and Larch. She was approached by a popular actor. He took her in his car to the hall and accompanied her back to her car.

A Water Violet Person is…

Water Violet person will be working in an unfriendly and lonely atmosphere. As a boss, he will deliberately ignore others. Will do the work himself, as he thinks others can’t do the work as per his standards. So he won’t delegate work, though a leader should be able to delegate.

A Water Violet husband and wife won’t get a divorce but will live separately in the same house. Water Violet will bring them together.

A Water Violet person doesn’t understand the value of other people in his life.

Seeking HELP!

You are in an unknown place and stranded. Don’t know whom to approach. Rock Water and Water Violet is the combination required.

Or call the animal spirit guide Wolf and tell the animal spirit beforehand, ‘I will be there in such and such time. Please be there and take care of me’. It will take care of you!
