
Bach Flower Remedies Combinations Discussed at Raj Bhavan Meeting

Life Situation                                                    Remedies Suggested

For people to loose weight Oak, Crab Apple and Rock Water. Do Fire Mudra too (ring finger touching the base of the thumb on both hands). This will help you to reduce your weight.  You will be able to reduce 2 to 3 kg a month.
Whenever mothers are worried about the children Red Chestnut
Lazy and procrastinating Scleranthus, Hornbeam.
For pilgrimage tour Gorse and Clematis. You will have a wonderful trip.
For any skin problem Crab Apple.
So many things have to be done. However, time is short Elm, Rescue Remedy. Everything will be finished comfortably.
Creative ideas White Chestnut, Clematis
Fear of going to a doctor Mimulus
Abundance and prosperity Chicory, Gentian and Clematis
For the other person to be honest with you Chestnut bud
If you feel lonely Water Violet
For heart problem Elm, Oak and Olive: one dose will keep your heart healthy
Too much of anger, uncontrollable anger Holly, Willow and Rescue Remedy. This combination will tone down the anger of the persons involved.

