(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Life Situational Remedies

Life Situations Remedies
When too many things have to overcome Elm, Rescue Remedy
Creative ideas White Chestnut and Clematis
Shyness Mimulus
Feeling “I can’t” Larch will change I can’t to I can by increasing level of self-confidence
Some have a tendency to talk to themselves White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple
To get back the money due to you Rock Water, Chestnut Bud
If you are affected Shade Sani and you do not want be restricted (it’s not so dangerous as people imagine though) Rock Water, Pine, Chestnut Bud, Gentian and Wild Rose – one dose a day
Should be taken by all the people all the time Walnut is for transition
For abundance Walnut and olive
Good for rapport and interviews Walnut
Misplaced an item somewhere Walnut Rock Rose and Sweet Chestnut (will work 100% )
Burglary – will get back whatever you have lost Elm, Gorse, and Rock Rose
I am closing the house for 10 days as I am going away 


Write Rock Water, Chestnut Bud on small pieces of paper and paste it everywhere inside the house. Now you can go peacefully. Daily pray. “In the day and night please be around the house, so that there is no theft”.