
Bach Flower Remedies June 27 2009 Part III

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Heart Problems

Elm oak olive: combination for any heart problem.

Do Heart Mudra in addition. On both hands index finger touches the base of the thumb, and middle and ring fingers touch the tip of the thumb. It will give energy to heart by eliminating Carbon Dioxide. Do it 15 minutes each in the morning and evening. Pressure and cholesterol will become less. Blood circulation in the heart will improve.


You are going as a mediator where there is plenty of anger and anguish around. You wanted to convince everybody and make them understand your view point. You need to speak their language.

Agrimony (add this only if there is anger is felt), Beech, Walnut and Chestnut Bud – use this combination for any mediation.

Emergency Remedy

When too much of anger: Holly, Willow and Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy has the advantage when terror and panic strikes, and for emergency situations. Somebody just met with an accident, and the person suffers from continuous bleeding. Think about him. Chant Rescue Remedy and bleeding will stop.

Skin Problems

For any type of skin problem – Crab Apple, Agrimony and Rescue Remedy (add RR only if the itching is intense). For any skin disease, Crab Apple and Agrimony is the base remedy. A person had a severe itching in his leg. He couldn’t put his shoe. This combination was given to him. Next day, he said he slept peacefully and the itching is gone too. I asked him did you thank your Tabla, being a Tabla player. Even inanimate things like Tabla have some thinking mind, please note.

Chitra: for dogs any skin related problems Crab Apple and Agrimony has definite healing properties. If there is any serious problem add Rescue Remedy to the combination.

Bach Flower Remedies Meditation CD

Divine is waiting for chance to help you. At the right moment and at the right time, it will enter the heart and activate the right flowers. When you listen to the CD, the flowers will choose you. Whatever is the right flower will work for you.

Hopeless State

Any hopeless state should be turned into joy. There is a bus strike, no bus around and you have vacated the lodge too. Nobody is there in the bus stand too. You have to go to Chennai, the next day.  You become hopeless.

Chant Gorse. Hopeless state will turn into joy. Some bus or some form of transportation will be found.

Family Harmony

There are flowers Beech, Walnut, Willow, Agrimony, Chicory, and Cherry Plum (Harmony Pack) to bring harmony into your life. Call them and affirm, “Bring harmony in my family”. Whenever you fear there will be confrontation, write the names of flowers in paper before talking to your family members and face the situation. You will find everything happens in a smooth fashion.