
Benefits of Healing Hara Chakra

Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.


Hara Chakra – Swadhistana – Relationship Chakra – Sex Chakra

There are 4 pictures for this chakra which can be used for healing.

Use the symbols for following reasons:


Meditating on the picture will improve creativity.  New ideas will occur in whatever area you working in.

Can be used for reducing over indulgence

Can be used to overcome addictions and cravings – e.g., watching TV or food etc

Varunan – Vedic God of Water

Lord Varunan helps with healing our relationships.    The crocodile represented in the picture symbolically devours the problems and Lord Varunan helps to create a new bond and renewed understanding between the concerned persons.

To attract a good life partner – Concentrate first on picture 1 (Vum) then picture 2 (Varunan)   Chant Om Hum Namaha and Om Vum Namaha.  Super impose the throat chakra colour blue on the Hara chakra.  The element of the throat chakra is space.  This action creates space in a person’s life which allows the right person to appear.

To release anything – write what is to be released on a piece of paper and place it in front of the picture of Lord Varunan.  Look at the picture and chant Hum and then Vum.  Burn the piece of paper with the intention of releasing completely that which no longer serves you.

To improve circulation – place the picture of Lord Varunan on the required body part and chant  Om Vum Namaha

For Abundance – look at the picture and chant  Om Lum Namaha and Om Vum Namaha

Paralysis – Place the picture of Lord Varunan under the spinal cord.


For resentment and self-pity – meditate on the picture or drink Rakini water. Place a tumbler of water. Cover it up with the picture for half an hour. The water is ready.

High Blood Pressure can be reduced.

For instructions on how to use the pictures, please refer the link:
