Touch the tip of the left thumb with middle and ring fingers of left hand, and right thumb with ring and little fingers of right hand.

This Mudra increases the physical vitality. In addition, it activates, normalizes, balances and harmonizes the Hara chakra or the Sex Centre, which is below the navel area. So it is also called as the Hara Mudra.

Garbage accumulated in this life is stored in the Hara Chakra

All garbage what all we have learnt from our life – desires in particular, lessons learnt from our parents, and our opinions about relationships are formed in the Hara chakra.

Do we have meaning in the actions that we undertake? We just talk with people aimlessly. How to create a worthy life? This chakra is full of desires. Contentment is the message of the chakra. Only when we release garbage and bring in contentment, then the other chakras are activated. Release all unwanted thoughts, feelings and desires. Then we will grow up.

We meditate and chant various Slokas, though in our back of the mind, we keep thinking about servant who hasn’t appeared yet, that the milkman hasn’t delivered the milk yet and so on and thus lacking in self-discipline.

Other benefits of doing the Vital Essence Mudra

The self-discipline is gained though this Mudra. All desires, garbage and unwanted energy are removed by this Mudra. We live with an attitude of gratitude.