My most respected teacher Balakumar,

I wish to share with you in detail the miracle that has occurred today in our home. I want this to be shared with all our friends and learners so that their faith in flowers and healing will be doubled.

Yesterday I called Naran at noon. My mother aged 84, has been in a very angry mood past 2 weeks. She has been rude to the helpers / attendant – who are threatening to leave. I tried all the healing methods taught to me by Naran and felt I must not bother him with this.

But yesterday when things went out of hand, I phoned him. Within a minute after listening to my long story, he just said, “Put (Bach Flower Remedies) Chicory, Holly and Willow for your mother. Place Red Rose flower in water in her room – maybe under her bed or wherever she sits. Change the Rose after every three days. All will be well. You will see the change”.

I have only Chicory at home. We live in Kanchipuram and I had no way of getting the other two flower essences.  I just began chanting them keeping my mother in mind. I prayed to the flowers to go to her and heal her. My husband and my friend Vasanthi – who stays upstairs, also began chanting.

At night Amma (mother) went to sleep saying she will call her bank tomorrow. See how much money she has and decide whether to continue living with us or move out on her own. She does not want the helpers but wants me to do everything for her. This is difficult since I have to go out of the house for work, travel etc for long periods sometimes and she is not able to do anything for herself. This was a very delicate situation since we cannot send our 84-year old mother away anywhere.

We fervently prayed at night and kept chanting of three Bach Flowers going. I filled her water bottle with Chicory and Walnut. In addition, I intended Holly and Willow, keeping my hands around the bottle. I also put Sun symbol on the bottle and desperately asked for help!

This morning she was still angry but quiet. I was wondering how and where to get Red Rose in Kanchipuram.  Vasanthi said she will ask teachers in school and tell me. I was sipping my first cup of tea outside, when I saw the flower seller with her basket calling at the neighbour’s house. I have seen her rarely. Today being Friday she was there. I saw only Saamandi flowers in her basket.  I was just about to ask her where to get Red Rose, when she looked at me and said, “Amma you never buy flowers. Do you want some red roses?” I was taken aback. She showed me five roses in her basket – all of them being red. I bought them, placed them in water and put them in mother’s room.

I felt a surge of gratitude in my heart for the kindness of the flowers. The power of intent and genuine prayer made them come home to us. It also made us aware that the UNIVERSE is HEARING us all the time.

Amma had her bath and sat for her Pooja. She was still angry!

I was so surprised a little later when a teacher from the school came home and said, “Elder Sister, I am on my way to school, here are some Red Roses for your pooja. It is my wedding day today, Please bless us!” She brought 3 beautiful cut red roses! I placed them in water in front of (Aurobindo) MOTHER’S Picture where Amma comes and sits near the dining table.  I couldn’t speak for a while.

At 10 am, Amma called the banker and spoke with him. She called me to her room at 11 am.  She said, “I have talked with the banker, I realise that the interest I get monthly is not enough to sustain me anywhere. You are taking care of all my needs, feeding me so well, caring for me and even taking care of my servants. I am grateful to you and (my husband) Guru for this.  I will not go anywhere. I understand how difficult it is for you, when I get angry with the helpers. I shall try to be kind and will do what I can to make life easier for you.  In fact, I am a very practical person, so I want to continue living here. I want Guru and you to go wherever you need to. Don’t worry about me. I will manage with all the helpers you have provided”.

Please readers, I am NOT EXAGGERATING, This is EXACTLY what happened. If this is NOT the power of the flowers, then what is it? My Humble Pranams to Balakumar, our teacher, to the flowers and to the Healing Angels. I feel so humbled by this experience and also have a renewed Faith in the power of healing.  PEACE be to ALL.

Dr. Mangala Ayre