
Bring in a feeling of security

Bagavad Gita Book

अच्छेद्योअ्यमदाह्योअ्यमक्लेद्योअ्शोष्य एव च

नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोअ्यं सनातनः

Healing Notes on Bagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 24


Uncleavable, incombustible, it is not liable to be drenched or dried up; eternal, all-pervading, stable and unmoving. It is forever and forever.

No pain (fire) can kill you; no sadness (water) can drown you; no worry (air) can dry you; no event (space and earth) can break you.

Survival fear is always there in our thinking… To feel secured is the desire of every human being.

In life, relationships make us insecure; our working place makes us insecure.

How to bring in the state of security?

For people who are unstable in their profession…

Who have lower back pain…

Who have fear of death for unknown reason…

Who have unknown fear …

And people who are fearful of in-laws …

And for people who feel unstable…

Listen to the Verse 24 of SRIMAD BAGAVAD GITA, or read it 11 times.

Any audio version of this verse can be looped and listened continuously.

You can paste the verse in paper and keep it under the pillow.

This brings back the feeling of security –the original SAT which is forgotten by the mind.

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