Animal Spirits Guides

Yes! Your job can be fun and enriching!!

Even in the morning times when one is not motivate to do the work, HUMMING BIRD can help.

Interest to do your job

Not to lose interest in your work, DRAGON FLY will help you

Feeling bored

When you are getting bored with doing the same routine work look at the picture of DOLPHIN and immediately you will get a surge of energy.

If you dislike your current job, you will not find a new job

Many people say that “I don’t like this job”. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work.

Cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment, in all situation you will not get any other job till you give your hundred percent.

Suddenly will dislike a place and feel somebody is bossing over you and recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there.

In all such cases, PELICAN will work wonders and make that person give hundred percent in the present job.

If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat the current job.

Work-Life balance

Call upon HORSE, when:

  • You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work
  • To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.
  • Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.
  • When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work
  • When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)
  • It gives you leadership qualities

Somebody is cheating you


Is snake an animal spirit guide?

My husband is planning to build a garment manufacturing unit and today on his way to temple he saw a cobra crossing the road and lifting its head up seeing the car.

And even last week I had dreams of snake (yesterday I saw crow in my dream).


There is a possibility of people cheating you. You have to be careful with your partner or anybody who is promising to get loan for you. Verify the land documents more than 100%

Chant “NAMASHIVAYAM” 500 times daily.

Seeking the Help of Animal Spirit Guides

Naran S Balakumar

Call them when you require help

Animal spirits are there, to help us. They can be called for any kind of help.

God is helping us through nature – Bach Flower Remedies and Animal Spirits for example.

We label someone as a dog, when we wanted to abuse them, even though we don’t have intelligence of a dog.

Animals are right brain beings and therefore they are much more intelligent than us.

They are your friends

We are part of animals, flowers, minerals (gemstones) etc.

Like calling upon Bach Flower remedies – in the form of chanting, we could use animal spirits too.

How and when to call them?

Call them when there is a need.

Each animal has some resource that we could use.

For example, Call Wolf whenever you need help – let us say you need to get a seat in the bus.Examlple- to get hotel reservations, to get the appropriate rent, to get the reasonable price when selling the land and to get volunteers (for Wolf is a Volunteer).

It’s raining and you need a taxi. You will find one stopping by your house.

Whenever you think about Animal Spirit Guides, prostrate to them as they are divine beings. Only human beings are not divine as our mind rules us.

Please note:

Picture of Animals like Rabbit, Wolf and other 36 animal spirit guides are available at the centre.

 Buy them and use them to invoke their energy/resource, and fill yourself as well as your surroundings with that energy.

Protect Yourself from Terrorism

Victoria station –Mumbai, Ram was standing next to it.

He heard commotion and it took few minutes for him to realize there is a terrorist attack.

People were running with a frantic speed. He started moving fast towards his destiny – Madunga twenty miles away.

He felt a strong instinct that he should call his sister.

He called her and asked her what remedies of Naran he can apply for that situation for him to reach home safe. In the past, he has sought her advice and found them very effective.

His sister suggested to him to seek the Animal Spirit Guide Shark for protection. As instructed, he did a silent prayer and asked Shark to help him reach his home safely.

Soon after, he found a taxi taking as many passengers as possible. He asked for a ride.

The Taxi driver told him that he can take passengers only up to Madunga for a fee 100/- rupees per person. Why would he refuse this offer?

He took the ride and reached his home safely.

He offered his thanks to his Protector, the Animal Guide Shark. Called his sister and asked her to convey his thanks to Naran too.

Reduce your victim mentality


The animal spirit guide HORSE – will reduce the victim mentality.

One final-year student called me up and said he could not get a project and I asked him to down load a picture of horse and look at it daily.

Within the next 2-3 days, he got a project.

Horse will help you to get self-confidence, to face any tight financial situation, where your earnings are restricted, or when you need cooperation from others, especially for computer professionals.

Manage Your Bosses and Coworkers Tactfully

Being tactful is the need of the hour

Seek FOX when thinking or being tactful is the need of the hour (tandrama pesanum – speak smartly) and you need to be diplomatic; you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you.

It’s especially helpful for advocates.

Handling thosewho criticizes you

Someone criticizes and attacks you verbally. To maintain your distance and space; make the criticizing person leave you seek HARE.

Facing an interview

To gather all resources for an interview, when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL

Release the Past


I seen one dream many times that many fishes and lizard jumped over me from up to down or down to up.

That time I was wake up and my dream was broken. And, I always think that I m getting less from what I am doing.


Release all the past fears and worries”. This is the message of Lizard for you.

Do the following exercise to release your past worries and fears:

  1. Just sit on the chair.
  2. Visualize a rope from you anus going down deep into earth.
  3. Then think about the past events just go on saying, “I release this. I release this.”
  4. When you think, you have completed, thank the mother earth and pull the rope into yourself.


How much we garbage we dump into Mother Earth. Yet she takes it without any complaint.

Likewise, she will take your worries and fears and transmute them.

Let us all chant the Bija mantras to express our thanks for her: “OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM HUM NAMAHA”

My husband doesn’t have job satisfaction


Even though my husband is working hard, he is not getting appreciated. He doesn’t have job satisfaction either.

Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name.


Write the names of Bach flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket.

Keep the HORSE picture also in his pocket.

How to approach life differently

Call upon the animal spirit guide Chimpanzee, when you want…

  • When you need a new fresh approach
  • To break of the routine

Animal Spirits June 27 2009 Part II

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Life Situational Remedies

Life Situations Animal Spirit(s)
You need to be diplomatic; you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you; It’s helpful for advocates.

Wherever you want things to be done call fox.

Divorce proceedings may take longer.

It’s good for getting visa. Bach Flower Remedy Gorse could help too.



To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office.

You might be planning to go out but you have a visitor not leaving your house.

We are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.

When you blame somebody; when you blame even in mind, the other person will start blaming. Pray, “Horse! Help me to stop this blaming”.
To get cooperation from others. Horse and Willow
Where the terrorist is going to attack next? There is always an unknown fear. Advantage — it will give you protection wherever you go. Pray, “Jackal please, physically mentally and spiritually protect me”.  Alternatively try Travel safety pills.
Husband is not committed to the family. He won’t do anything even when his daughter is getting married. Though he may have good friends outside the family When you put Jackal in the heart of the husband he will be committed to the family. He is a Wild Rose person.
For boost of strength Hornbeam, Elm, and Horse
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