Chakra Healing

Explanation for ‘Turn the anger Away’

Please refer the article ‘Turn the anger away” here:

When you are angry, your solar plexus chakra will be rotating in the anti-clock wise direction. A chakra is nothing but an energy centre, through which one expresses positive emotions and negative emotions, by way of spinning clock-wise or anti-clock-wise.

If any chakra circulates on the clockwise direction, it will create a positive effect. However, if it rotates on the anti-clockwise side, it will create negative effect(s) on you.  Please read the blog to gain some more information on Chakras:

Whenever a chakra rotates clockwise, it will receive energy from the Universal Divine Energy or Cosmic Energy – the one that is within and around us. When chakra rotates in the opposite direction, instead of receiving the universal energy, it will send out the unwanted outside – in this case anger. Then a person projects the energy of anger outside, attracting events that will further aggravate one’s anger.

If there is a quarrel or unnecessary entanglement, just before the incident, the solar plexus rotates anticlockwise, without us knowing about it. We may think that the opposite person is unnecessarily creating problems. Therefore, when you expect a quarrel anywhere with any person, instead of blaming him, mentally command your chakras to rotate clock-wise with optimum speed. It is only intention and visualisation. Instead of seeing outside, we see inside and correct our energy centres.

Please note here that each of the chakras has to rotate at a specific speed, neither fast nor slow. That’s why we command them to run at an optimum speed.

Anger is generated from the Solar Plexus chakra, which is one of the seven chakras. It is below the chest and above your navel.  The heart chakra is in the middle of the chest, a centre from which love flows in and out. So when both the chakras are rotated, and been commanded to spin at an optimum speed, the anger is dissipated and love is created. Love attracts Love.

Compiled from Naran’s lectures

Chakra Healing for Throat Infection


I just came back from my holidays. Right now, I am afflicted by a throat infection, which happens whenever I travel by AC buses or trains. Please tell me what I can do for this problem.


  1. Keep your left hand on the Throat (Chakra) and the right hand below the belly button (Hara Chakra)
  2. Mentally rotate the Hara Chakra clockwise, and affirm, “My Hara Chakra is rotating clockwise in an optimal speed, drawing energy and Orange colour from the Universal Divine Energy”.
  3. Mentally rotate the Throat Chakra clockwise, and affirm, “My Throat Chakra is rotating clockwise in an optimal speed, drawing energy from the Universal Divine Energy”.
  4. Visualize Orange colour going from your Hara Chakra to Throat Chakra
  5. Do the steps 2 to 4, for a couple of minutes each
  6. Do it few times a day
  7. Chant the mantra, “Om Howm Vum Joom Saha” for as many times as possible, separately.


When you are affected by a Throat infection, the body would try to heal it by sending orange colour stored all over the body to the throat. This will lead to reduction of orange content in the body. We need to replenish it. We do that by accumulating orange colour in the Hara Chakra, and then sending it to the Throat Chakra. To know more about relationships between colours and Chakras, please refer this blog:

In addition, whenever we are physically or emotionally affected, one or more of our Chakras will be imbalanced and they will start rotating anti-clockwise. When you have a throat infection, your Throat Chakra will be affected. As Hara is connected to Throat Chakra, it will be also affected. We take care of this by mentally rotating them in the clockwise direction and in an optimal speed.

Om Howm Vum Joom Saha is a good mantra for all types of infections, including Swine Flu. Howm takes care of the Throat Chakra, while Vum takes care of the Hara Chakra, and strengthens it. As we are prone to lots of infections these days, it will be a good habit to chant this mantra, a few minutes a day. Hold a bottle of water and chant this mantra. Then give the water to every member of your family as a tonic.

On a regular basis, you can charge your chakras with colours required by them. Listen to the Solar Energy CD which helps to keep your chakras balanced, normalized and energized. To know the benefits of listening to the Solar Energy CD, please check out the link:

Turn the anger away

When I met Balakumar and told him about my mother who is 85 years old, he asked me to learn chakra rotation, to become composed instead of getting angry, whenever my mother throws tantrums.

I learnt energizing of Chakras, rotating them clock-wise from Shobana, as instructed by Balakumar last week. I tried the same at my home.

The very next morning, I went to my mother, who was always angry for no reason. I quickly rotated mentally, my Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras clock-wise, at optimum speed, to receive the Universal Divine Energy.

As I neared my mother, she SMILED. I asked her how the breakfast was. She will normally criticize something at least. That is how the whole anger drama starts. However on that day, she just said, “The Idli and chutney was SUPER. Thank you”.  I have not received this “thanks” or “love” from her, for the last three years.

Thank you Shobana, thank you Naran and thank you Reiki!!!

 Mangala Ayre

When somebody is angry against us, it is normal for us to retaliate. In terms of energy, it shows that we are sympathetically resonating with the other person.

Anger attracts anger. When there is anger, the solar plexus chakra rotates anti-clockwise, projecting or sending out our emotions outside, and thus maintaining our anger.

Instead of thinking why that person is angry and trying to change him, we concentrate on ourselves. We look within and intentionally rotate the solar plexus clock-wise. When any chakra rotates clock-wise, it comes back to receiving mode – receiving universal energy. When it starts receiving energy, our anger subsides and therefore there will be a shift in our energy field. Then the opposite person has to change too.

To bring the anger down, the solar plexus chakra has to rotate at optimum speed and that too clock-wise. In addition, when the heart chakra also rotates clockwise, it receives universal energy (love) and love will be generated inside our heart and will flow to the opposite person.


Pain in the knee


Please suggest some remedy or mantra for knee pain. My mother and my grandfather are in extreme pain.


Chant the mantras, “HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA”, placing the hand on knees.

There are chakras in the knees. They have to rotate clock-wise to receive universal energy. During pain or disease, these chakras rotate anti-clockwise and then universal energy stops flowing.

While chanting the above mantra, intend or request, “Knee chakras rotate clock-wise receiving more and more universal energy.”

In addition, apply the Ayurvedic product Danvantri Kulambu on the knees and after half-an hour wash the area with hot water.

Don’t let others use your goodwill


I am managing my family of four, including my wife and widowed father.

Due to my economic constraint, I had taken some loans. Both my wife and my father knew my financial situation very well.

Meanwhile, last week, my father sold some ancestral property that belongs to my grand-parents.

Even though as per law, I had to get that share, my father wanted to keep the money for himself, without having any regards for my financial situation – which includes taking care of him.

I don’t know how to explain to him.


I think your father is misusing your goodwill. As a (Bach Flower) Centaury person, you don’t know how to handle this situation.

Do the following technique, which is part of the Chakra Balancing exercise followed by Reiki practitioners:

  1. Keep your left hand on your Solar Plexus chakra and right hand on the Heart Chakra
  2. Chant the mantra, “Rum Yum”

Next day Ashok called Naran and said, “My father approached me and told me that he would like to give me enough money to pay back all my loans. If I say I am flabbergasted, it would be an understatement”.


A Centaury person is a weak-willed person. He will be used by others and treated like a door-mat, others having no concern for him.

The Solar Plexus would be weak for a weak-willed person.

The right hand is the giving hand, while the left hand is the receiving hand. Thus, energy from the heart fills up the solar plexus.

The bija mantra Rum activates normalizes and balances the Solar Plexus chakra, while Yum activates normalizes and balances the heart chakra.

When there is a person ready to be manipulated, then there will be a person to manipulate. As the Solar Plexus is strengthened, automatically the opposite person can’t manipulate.

Benefits of Healing Hara Chakra

Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.


Hara Chakra – Swadhistana – Relationship Chakra – Sex Chakra

There are 4 pictures for this chakra which can be used for healing.

Use the symbols for following reasons:


Meditating on the picture will improve creativity.  New ideas will occur in whatever area you working in.

Can be used for reducing over indulgence

Can be used to overcome addictions and cravings – e.g., watching TV or food etc

Varunan – Vedic God of Water

Lord Varunan helps with healing our relationships.    The crocodile represented in the picture symbolically devours the problems and Lord Varunan helps to create a new bond and renewed understanding between the concerned persons.

To attract a good life partner – Concentrate first on picture 1 (Vum) then picture 2 (Varunan)   Chant Om Hum Namaha and Om Vum Namaha.  Super impose the throat chakra colour blue on the Hara chakra.  The element of the throat chakra is space.  This action creates space in a person’s life which allows the right person to appear.

To release anything – write what is to be released on a piece of paper and place it in front of the picture of Lord Varunan.  Look at the picture and chant Hum and then Vum.  Burn the piece of paper with the intention of releasing completely that which no longer serves you.

To improve circulation – place the picture of Lord Varunan on the required body part and chant  Om Vum Namaha

For Abundance – look at the picture and chant  Om Lum Namaha and Om Vum Namaha

Paralysis – Place the picture of Lord Varunan under the spinal cord.


For resentment and self-pity – meditate on the picture or drink Rakini water. Place a tumbler of water. Cover it up with the picture for half an hour. The water is ready.

High Blood Pressure can be reduced.

For instructions on how to use the pictures, please refer the link:

Benefits of Healing Basic Chakra

Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.

Root Chakra – Mooladhara – Basic Chakra

There are 5 pictures for root chakra which can be used for healing and meditation.

Use the symbols for following reasons:

1.       Lum symbol

a.       For stability  (See picture and chant)

b.      For safe journey and to not meet with an accident (See picture and chant).

c.       When there is a fear of death look at the picture and chant.

d.      For recharging body and recouping energy.

e.      For spiritual longing concentrate on the inverted triangle in the picture.

f.        Placing the picture on the table in front of a distracted child will help the child concentrate.  The square shape in the picture will give one pointed concentration.

g.       Useful for grounding.  Will encourage wayward teenagers gain responsibility and return home.

h.       Placing a glass of water on the picture for 30 minutes and then giving it to the child will overcome temper tantrums.

i.         Useful for controlling aggressive behaviour.

j.        For Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

k.       For impatience and irritability.

l.         Can be used as an alternative to the Bach Flower Remedy “Rescue Remedy”.

2.       Indran on Iravatham (elephant)

a.       Can be used to gain discipline and concentration, both mental and physical.

b.      Useful for meditation – to get divine consciousness and spiritual progress.

3.       Brahma

a.       Meditate on picture 1, then picture 2 and then on Brahma; after which a conscious intention to release the past can be made.

b.      Useful in overcoming obstacles.

4.       Dakini

a.       Meditate on the picture to remove all fear.

b.      Look at the picture and allow the energy to go in and heal to reduce all physical, emotional and mental pain.

c.       Cleansing symbol – can be used to cleanse any pain from invisible sources and /or entities in the auric field.  Can be kept near a person who requires healing.

5.       Lum with Elephant

a.       This picture has the energy of Brahma, Saraswati, Kundalini and primal force.

For instructions on how to use the pictures, please refer the link:

Chakra Balancing – Benefits and Instructions

Benefits of Doing Chakra Balancing

Daily use of balancing the Chakras will clear all the Unwanted Emotions and Thoughts.  This will help you to start leading a Life of Love dictated by Divinity, which is the Unconditional Love flowing from the Heart Chakra.

Position One:

  • This position balances the mind and body.  The mind is re-linked with the body.
  • The pity is we are always attached with body. The security is in the basic chakra. Instead of finding the security here, the mind travels to so many places, relates with so many, doing so many things, without understanding the importance of the basic chakra.
  • All your resources for security are here. Where do you go? This place will help us first to be with the body and in the long term we will feel secured.
  • Bach Flower Remedy Cerato is also for insecurity. Out of insecurity, he goes and consults people.
  • A feeling of stability and security is created inside the person.
  • Whenever there is fear, spend more time on this position in addition to other chakras.

Second Position:

  • To reduce fat
  • To reduce temptation
  • Balances desires and manifestation and bridges the gap between desire and manifestation.  Then you will desire what is about to manifest, and whatever manifests you will be able to accept it completely.

Third Position:

  • To improve peripheral circulation
  • To dissipate anger.
  • Merges the Ego and Pride with the Heart.

Fourth Position:

  • Mind submits to heart.
  • A total relaxation will set in as Love flows from the Heart filling up all the Cells, Organs, Chakras and the auric field.

Chakra Positions

  1. One hand above eye brows and another on the bottom of the back: third-eye chakra and root chakra
  2. One hand on the throat and another one below the navel: throat chakra and Hara chakra
  3. One hand on the chest and another one below ribs and above the navel: heart chakra and solar plexus chakra
  4. Corresponding fingers of both the hands touching each other on the chest: heart chakra

One to three minutes in each position and spend equal time in each position.

Chant the following affirmations in each position:

  • “I Release All the Past”
  • “I Am at Peace”
  • “Divinity Takes Care of My Future”

Previous Post: Temperamental Christe

Temperamental Christe

A German woman, by name Christe approached Annai Yoga Center – managed by Shobana, to solve her emotional problems (she was taking anti-depressant medication).

She described herself as a highly sensitive person, temperamental, easily getting upset and irritated.

She was leading her life with irritation, annoyance, aversion and intolerance.  Since she was about to leave Chennai, India, in three days’ time, she asked Shobana to teach her simple yoga exercises.

Shobana consulted Naran. He told her that chakra balancing alone would be enough for Christe. In addition, she could learn about Attitude of Gratitude too.

Attitude of Gratitude

She thanked mentally her friends, relatives, and the people with whom she was angry and averse.

She thanked for all the events that happened.

She thanked her parents, teachers and all those who were part of her life.

Finally, she thanked god for giving this life.

Her First Experience of Love

She was staying with about twenty people in a dormitory. Most of them were quite younger to her.

She was so tired and wanted to sleep. However, the people around here were so noisy, that she could not sleep at all.

She was about to shout at them and tell them to keep quiet.

She remembered the thanking exercise then. Therefore, she thanked all of them.

When she finished saying her thanks, she opened her eyes. She was surprised to see that everybody had gone inside to sleep.

She thanked God and had a nice sleep that night.
Her Parting Words

Next day, she came to the yoga center with a paper in hand. She has written the following in the paper:

I feel so light. I am laughing after so many years.

I feel some warm energy coming into my heart through my head.

I saw a bright light in my head.

I feel taller and bigger.

I feel all my unwanted emotions are going deep down into the earth. I feel that my feet’s is firmly in place on the ground. 

I have never felt so good for so many years.

A new life has begun for me!

Chakra Balancing

Christies doesn’t know Reiki. One need not know Reiki to do Chakra Balancing. Though Chakra Balancing is a common practice among Reiki Practitioners.

Next Post: How to do Chakra Balancing

A colorful way to find a job


Light a dark blue or black candle in the north direction. Until it burns out, chant “FIND DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE”.

You can write the switch words also.


To get a job: DIVINE ORDER

When do you require the job? NOW

You have got the job: DONE

What will you do after getting job? COUNT the money

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