Chakra Healing
Doing it the Right Way!!!
Just when you think everything is going on well, you end up with an argument with someone on the road.
Who triggered it? You would blame on the other person.
However, beware, even before you got into the fight, your chakra(s) would have started to vibrate in such a way, that it’s ready to fight.
You are tired about your office politics. Yet when you reach home, your wife hugs you with full of love, giving no reasons.
Once again, your chakras have done the trick. It’s ready to receive love, even though mentally you are not ready.
How do we tune the chakras in such a way that they are ready to be tuned for a life of happiness and well-being?
It can be done in two ways: by chanting Bija Mantras or listening to certain vibrations as each of the seven chakras resonate for a certain frequency.
In addition, Bija Mantras – Lum, Vum, Rum, Yum and Hum, along with Om takes care of our life and health issues
Listen to Vibrate with Bija Mantras CD
Naran now has produced a CD, where he has combined Bija Mantras with the required sound frequency for each Bija Mantra.
Therefore, when you listen to the CD both the Bija Mantras and the sound frequencies, produces the desired effects on our chakras.
Instructions to be followed
You can walk or sit while listening to the CD. Though, you need to hear it with your head-phones. If you want to chant the Bija mantras following the CD, then chant the Bija Mantras alone, ignoring OM.
Do this once a day at least and preferably in the morning, to have a great day. However, if you have a bad day, in order to regain your good moods and peace of mind, listen to them before going to sleep.
The CD runs for 30 minutes. However, there is no restriction to the amount of time you need to listen. More is merrier, though!
Solar Colour Energy Meditation CD
Benefits Reported Using the CD
I get extraordinary energy after a long and hard day at work – Rajesh
My mind gets peaceful if I feel stressed out. It is thus a good de-stressor tool for me. When I feel lethargic in the morning, it gives me the required to energy for me to get up and do my day’s work without any problem – Tom.
Before any class, this CD simply rejuvenates and prepares the students to get ready for the class, especially for a Reiki class – Shobana
My sinus gets increased if I am emotionally upset. Thanks to the CD I could handle my cold without any medication. I guess it clears up any congestion in my Chakras – Harish
Colours Effect on Chakras
Colour can offset negative stuff/situations.
For example during Ragu Kalam (time) – the time when Ragu has a bad effect on us, if you wear a green dress then it can’t affect you.
Any problem in life indicates that one or more of our seven Chakras are imbalanced.
Each of these Chakras emits certain colour and when there is a problem, the colour that is emitted from the Chakra will be less. This shows that the Chakra has less energy.
Let us see an example. A person weak who is weak willed and less assertive will have less energy in his Solar Plexus Chakra.
If he prays to Sun God, to get the required colour Yellow and inhale it – visualizing the colour from Sun, then he can develop a strong will power.
How do I know which Chakra is affected?
My life is in doldrums and how do I know which Chakra is imbalanced?
You don’t have to know. Listen to the Solar Energy Meditation CD. It heals all the Chakras with least effort from your side.
How do Colour Meditation Heals the Chakras?
The relevant colour for each Chakra is generated by doing the solar energy meditation.
The Chakras then gets stimulated, activated, expanded (then they can receive more energy) and balanced.
The CD is programmed to generate alpha waves to the listener. So you will go into a deep meditation automatically.
Though, you need to concentrate on the words uttered in the guided meditation.
The affirmations in the CD prepare the Chakras to get ready to receive the healing energies from Sun God. You will get the colour you require for the need of the hour.
The Chakras are stimulated. Therefore, they are activated and will start performing to the optimum. Relevant colour prana is increased for each Chakra. The Chakras gets totally and fully energized. You will feel refreshed in the end.
How should I listen to the CD?
You don’t have to do anything. Sit and just listen to the CD. Your subconscious mind will follow the instructions provided in the CD.
When do I need the Colour Meditation CD?
If you are not a morning person
You get tired in the evenings
You stress out easily
You are emotional and have stress related diseases like cold, fatigue syndrome and heart disease.
You want to balance your Chakras.
You feel tired after so many night outs or night shifts and sleep during the day, but you feel lethargic.
Effect of Bija Mantras on our Moods
Naran S Balakumar
We will get a good mood, by chanting Bija mantras. We will also feel energized and uplifted.
Balancing Chakras
If one element is imbalanced, then all the other elements will become imbalanced too.
In the same way, if one chakra is affected, others also will be affected. No point in healing one chakra.
Do the Bija mantras in the order specified, for five minutes every day to heal ourselves.
Remove Energy Contamination
Naran S Balakumar
In the olden days, there were lots of clairvoyants and healers. The moment they see other person’s aura, any unwanted, black energy in their aura can be seen by them.
You would have observed Pranic healers, cleansing and clearing the auras of patients as they see unwanted energy in the auric field of the patients.
You are affected by the negative energy around us. No need to have any doubt over this.
Ancient healers have said, once see you something (black), and then in turn, it (black) also sees you. Your energy field becomes contaminated then.
How could you remove that? There is a technique to do so.
- When you see the darkness in the auric field, visualize the sun in the mind. The sun will burn any possible contamination in the energy field.
- Mother earth can transmute that energy. Therefore, immediately after visualising the sun, think of the Mother earth and thank her.
- After that step, visualize a cow.
This is not only for healers. This is for us too, as and when, we see darkness. Sun, earth and cow will remove our contamination then.
Do you realize how many people’s darkness has been transmuted by mother earth?
We don’t. But she does a lot. We need to thank her for that.
One way of thanking her is by chanting the Chakra Bija Mantras loudly: “OM LUM NAMAHA OM VUM NAMAHA OM RUM NAMAHA OM YUM NAMAHA OM HUM NAMAHA”.
Get a quick relief from headaches
Whenever I have a headache, I just put on the ‘Stable Mooladhara’ CD. Previously I used to take pain killers. My headache goes off as though I never had it.
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful CD. And your ways of healing are so simple that it can be used by anybody.
When you are affected by a headache, there will be too much of energy in the third eye area (chakra). It creates congestion there. Then energy at the Mooladhara chakra gets to zero.
While you listen to this CD, the congestion is cleared, Mooladhara is energized back and the energy path between all the chakras is harmonized.
Chakra pills
The pills will open up the chakras (the easy way).
Alternatively, you can chant the Bija Mantras mentioned in the Meditation blog in the article titled, “Healing Mantras for Relationships”:
You will go deeper into meditation if you take the pills and do the meditation.
Chakras will open up effortlessly. When they open up, you will shed ego, love others, and your communication will get sweeter.
In addition, you will speak with love and kindness. Most importantly you do not have to try hard to get your things done – things will happen automatically.
Opening the chakras with mantras
Healing chakras through mantras
Let us first see the purpose and functioning of chakras as well as what happens if they don’t function properly.
In the next section, we shall see what mantras we need to chant to keep them in good order.
Functioning of Various Chakras
Basic chakra or Mooladhara – is at the base of the coccyx.
If I have a feeling, “I want to settle down in life”, then it means the Basic chakra is not working properly. Therefore the energy from basic chakra to you will be very less too. Chakras always produce energy. In this person’s case, it shows he hasn’t received it properly from chakras.
Another in front of us, one and half-inch below the naval is Hara Chakra or the Sex Chakra.
If there is a relationship, then it’s formed due to Hara chakra – which directs us towards friendship and creates the relationship for us. If you have a craving for lot of food then it means your sex chakra is working more – imbalanced.
Third chakra is above the belly – Manipura or Solar Plexus chakra. This is the chakra of self-identity. There is a big gap between Hara and Manipura chakras.
If energy in solar plexus is more than it means the feeling of “I” or ego is more. Anything might go from us, except for pride and ego – which comes from the Solar Plexus chakra. Thanks to this chakra we know the purpose of our lives and it shows our identity too.
The fourth is the Heart chakra. Between it and the Solar Plexus chakra, the gap is less. Heart and solar plexus chakras are close to each other. The former is our soul and the latter is our mind.
If there is no ego and pride, then heart will open up. The heart chakra is always reminding us not to have pride and ego.
“Don’t think I or me, but think about we and ours” – is the message of solar plexus chakra. One can change their ego and pride into a life of compassion through heart chakra, which makes us to be in love.
When we have love, our language will be made of love and compassion and expressed through our Throat Chakra.
In reality, we will talk about few things, while hiding so many things. If we think only good things then the throat will expand and then whatever we say will become a mantra.
Our lives are decided by these chakras. When these chakras are healed, and function properly, then the sixth chakra – the third eye chakra will open automatically.
When the third eye chakra is open, one will come to know that he is already divine.
Opening Chakras through Mantras
Mantras outwardly look ordinary. However,they can do lots of things. It can lead us to live our lives better. They activate the energy centres/chakras as well.
Chant the mantras below to activate, normalize and balance the chakras:
Om Lam Namaha – Basic Chakra
Om Vam Namaha – Hara Chakra
Om Ram Namaha – Solar Plexus Chakra
Om Yam Namaha – Heart Chakra
Om Ham Namaha – Throat Chakra
When other chakras open, the third eye will automatically open up.
Instructions to Use Chakra Symbols or Pictures
Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.
How to use the pictures
Anyone or more of the following methods may be used:
- Look at the picture.
- Look at the picture and chant loudly or silently. (For Lum and Vum only)
- Meditate on the picture first with eyes open and then with eyes closed.
- Place a glass of water on the picture for 30 minutes and drink it or give it to the patient.
- Place in front of or next to the person who requires healing.
- Place the picture on a sheet of paper and draw a circle around it. Leave a gap of an inch and draw another circle. Write the name of the person who requires healing or place their photograph in the circle. Draw an arrow from the first circle to the second with the arrow-head pointing to the 2nd
- Colour photocopies of the picture can be given to persons who require healing.
Finding the Right Connections
Naran S Balakumar
Here, I am talking about the connections that we have with our parents, grand-parents and others in our life. These connections are referred as Cords that connects our chakras with chakras of others.
Right connections help getting a job
Anjana was jobless for more than three months. I gave her various remedies and nothing seems to be working for her. So, I told her to attend my class on ‘Cord Strengthening’.
I know she is broke. I offered her to attend the class without paying the fees and pay the same after getting a job.
She attended the class on 4th February. She strengthened her cords with her parents for three days.
On the fourth day, she was called for an interview.
On the 5th day, she was given an offer, which she took it. The week after, she took an advance from the new company and paid me the fees.
Moral of the story: the cords that we form with our parents will influence our life situations.