Death and Dying

Death Ceremony Done Thanks to Divine

Case History

Ram was about to attend a wedding along with his wife. Naran gave him (Bach Flower remedy) SWEET CHESTNUT.

He was travelling by Train to Tirunelveli. The train was nearing Trichy.

He remembered his professor then, who was staying in a village close to Trichy. His professor, who has no children, sponsored Ram’s education as Ram couldn’t find money for his higher studies.

Ram then went to USA. Even though he wanted to return the money his professor vehemently refused to take the money.

Ram thought as there was some more time before attending the wedding he told his wife that they will pay a short visit to his teacher’s place.

When he reached his professor’s house, he found that he had died the day before.

As there was nobody to perform the funeral rites for the professor, Ram took over the ceremony and later attended the wedding too.


Divine in the form of SWEET CHESTNUT wanted Ram to do the funeral rites of his professor. 

Has great potential but lacks focus


My son is 17 years old.

He finds his studies very difficult, especially maths and science. He also lacks focus. Always says I will do later but does not do.

He needs to get admission in good college abroad. He also he has to score well in exams all of this year. Otherwise, his admission will be impossible.

Please help him he has great potential but is not being able to achieve.

He lost his father in an accident when he was 13 years old. How can he become happy and jolly person again?


Buy and give him the flower remedies SCLERANTHUS, WILD ROSE, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WALNUT, and CHICORY each 2 pills separately one after the other three times a day.

They are available in Homeopathy shops. Don’t touch the pills by hand.


Not to postpone: SCLERANTHUS

To have internal motivation: WILD ROSE

To bring in order in the traumatic mind: STAR OF BETHLEHEM

To transit father’s death: WALNUT

Longing for father’s love: CHICORY

Suicidal Thoughts


(Bach Flowers) AGRIMONY, CHERRY PLUM, WALNUT, and LARCH is the base remedy.

Only those in CHERRY PLUM and AGRIMONY will have suicidal thoughts

As the patient what are the pre-dominant thoughts?

Impulsive – CHERRY PLUM

They will close the door – AGRIMONY

We have to study the individual thoughts that were mentioned during counselling session and add appropriate remedies.

Death Can Be Peaceful


My cousin was dying from cancer.

His sisters chanted the mantra “SHANKARAAYA MAYASKARAYA SHIVAYA SHIVATHARAYA NAMAHA” continuously.

He died peacefully and consciously the day before. His sisters say that they had never seen him looking as radiant as when he died.

Thank you so much.

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Gajendra Moksham:

Overcome Your Fear of Death:

Imaginary Fears

The fear group consists of four remedies – Aspen, Mimulus, Red Chestnut and Rock Rose.

Fear of imagination

I am giving this story so that you will learn how to use the flower remedy in a particular situation.

There is a newly married couple.

They went for the customary activity of honeymoon.  They went to Kodaikanal. The girl couldn’t sleep in the hotel room.

She was trying to put on the lights, while her husband was trying to put off them.

She told him that she can’t sleep without the lights on as it was her practice right from childhood.

And that too in the Kodaikanal, which was 6000 feet above the sea level, when she saw the darkness outside, she felt afraid and needed the lights to be on.

However, as her husband is tired, he slept off easily.

When she put off the lights, she heard a whisper in her ears. She got startled – especially by the darkness outside seen through the windows. 

Her fears got increased and her pulse rate became very high. The leaves of the plants grown outside the house looked like ghosts to her.

Again, when she put on the lights, she became normal. Any fear of darkness or fear and worry about ghosts or anything unspecified is ASPEN fear.

It is because in darkness, you always get imaginary fears. All sorts of imagination will happen. 

This combination is the standard one I give for ghost busting.

I give this combination also for any unnatural deaths – either by murder, suicide or accident. Then that place will be a haunted place. Definitely, their energy will be present there.

This combination will help them to evolve into the next stage (of life).

White Chestnut, Walnut, Aspen and Crab Apple combination is a good house cleanser also. Add Mustard also. This is the best combination to remove any spirit from any place.

Once in a week this can be sprayed in the house, as the energy of the house will be highly positive. It will wipe out all thoughts and emotions accumulated in the space.

Even when the business is not flourishing as per the plan, this combination of remedies (put inside a vessel of water) can be sprayed in the business center.

Whenever a healer visits a place, they comment about the positive or negative vibrations present in that place.  If anybody comments about negative vibration, then immediately start chanting Aspen.

If you feel not comfortable about the place or have a premonitory feeling that something bad is going to happen that day, then Aspen is the remedy to address those feelings.

Wherever you couldn’t specify the cause of the fear and say “I don’t know the reason for my fear” – Aspen is the remedy,



ASPEN is for fearing for and seeing ghosts, and come under hallucinations too.

If you spray WHITE CHESTNUT, CLEMATIS, WALNUT and ASPEN the ghost(s) will leave.

A girl committed suicide in an apartment. A watchman was appointed after the old watchman disappeared. He watched a ghost pushing him away. He was told by the ex-watchman that the ghost which has the looks like the young girl goes in a certain path every night around 2 AM. It doesn’t hurt anybody, though pushes things away that are in its path.

The combination was put in a bucket of water and was sprayed in the supposed path of the ghost. After the fourth day it didn’t come. The time has come for the girl to reach the next stage.

7th day it came again. The remedies were sprayed for few more days. After 16 days later, it stopped coming to the apartment.

Project the flowers on the soul and pray that it reaches the next stage.

– Notes from Naran’s workshop on Bach Flower Remedies

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Chanting this mantra for the dying:

Overcome Your Fear of Death:

Parents losing their child when he was young

They will come to the stage of being totally desolated–“Nirgathi”.

At this stage nothing will make sense to them, hopelessly lost in their own worries and despair and finding no motivation to do anything about life.

How does Rain mantra help in this situation?

SWEET CHESTNUT: When you are in extreme anguish, Sweet chestnut is the remedy

WILD ROSE: makes them come out of their lack of motivation to lead a happy life

CHESTNUT BUD: to learn and understand that life has more to offer

ROCK ROSE: somebody would lead them out of their miseries

As those people who suffered loss of either their spouse or child suddenly and unexpectedly mayn’t do anything about their situation, we have to do it for them.

Write in a piece of paper using circle technique, the names of the remedies. Chant for them too.

A case study on Forgiveness

A person from Gujarat, who’s unknown to me, approached me to resolve many problems she was facing then. So I suggested to her along with other techniques to forgive everybody in her family.

For a week she did the forgiveness exercise methodically. Whenever you sincerely do something, then you became that energy.

One night she had a dream, where she saw a temple that she never used to visit. She saw somebody in that dream whom she knew and who used to visit the temple often.

The lady told her in the dream, “You have done the forgiveness for everybody in the family, except for a 7-year old child, which died few years back”.

She was unsure, even though it was correct. The child when it died was seven years old. She was wondering why she needs to forgive somebody who is a child and who is no more.

Sometimes when one dies young, it won’t know how to go to the next life, stranded in the current lifetime’s pranic field. They need lots of love and light to go to the next life.

When you do forgiveness exercise, or do Reiki, they are filled with light and love. With your help they will go to next level i.e., they transit easily.

Therefore, I suggested to my patient to do forgiveness exercise, so that the child will be healed to smooth transition for the next life.

Performing Death Rites

Who will perform the rites, the relatives asked? The son of the deceased is less than 10 years old and thus too young to perform.

After taking the Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem remedy in the form of drinking water (they didn’t know that they took it), the child went up to the relatives. He convinced them by saying, “I am aware that my father is dead. It’s my duty to perform my rites. My father will be happy. Please allow me”.

Such an act of courage he could exhibit thanks to Star of Bethlehem mixed in the drinking water.

Anyway I am going to die why bother with medicines

We feel apathetic and not interested in life. We have no grief. As apathy is emotionless state. “Our whole family has diabetes, so I can’t do anything it’s in my genes”.

Give the Bach Flower Remedies Wild Rose to them. They will develop enthusiasm and jest for life, which crucial for anybody to be alive in an emergency situation.

Lost the motivation to live – a Case history

A 60-year old lady was admitted in a hospital.

After few days, she stopped taking medicines and stopped eating food as well, complaining that she is going to die anyway.

Her son put Bach Flower Remedy Wild Rose pills in her drinking bottle.

Within few days, she became normal. She started taking the medicines and was discharged within a week.

Her son still thinks this remedy has saved his mother.

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