Help for Health

Stomach ache cured

Naran S Balakumar

A patient had stomach ache for a long time.  He consulted many doctors, and was not cured.

He was advised to take CERATO for one month.

After that GENTIAN was added to it and he took it for a week.

He was travelling by a bus one day and overheard the conversation of two people.  They were talking about a Saint who was healing lot of people.

He asked them about the person, went there and got his ailment cured.


When you consult one doctor after another: CERATO

To have a good outcome for this problem: GENTIAN

Cannot bear the bussing sound


For TINNITUS, you suggested to take HEATHER, WHITE CHESTNUT and RESCUE REMEDY, 2 pills of each, to a glass of water and sip every 2 hrs.

Could you pls give me an explanation of the same?


The bussing sound is continuous. The person who has this wants to come out of this constant continuous sound: WHITE CHESTNUT is given for this.

HEATHER person will not listen to anybody. People who develop these problems have missed a message or talking without allowing the other person to talk.

RESCUE REMEDY for any situation, which is either unbearable or annoying.

Refined products is not good for your health

Naran S Balakumar

Excretion of Table Salt used for food preparation is difficult for the kidneys to process.

More and more a product is refined (double or triple refined) it is not good for us as it contains lots of chemicals.

In general, we don’t think about our bodies unless we get into some problem. Of course, we do remember lungs when we get cold and remember stomach when affected by diarrhea.

Skin Issues for a Tabla Player

Naran S Balakumar

A person had a severe itching in his leg. He couldn’t put his shoe.

The combination of Bach Flower Remedies CRAB APPLE, AGRIMONY and RESCUE REMEDY was given to him.

Next day, he said he slept peacefully and the itching had gone too.

Skin-related Problems For Pet Dogs


For dogs, for any skin related problems CRAB APPLE and AGRIMONY has definite healing properties.

If there is any serious problem add Rescue Remedy to the combination.

Magic mantra for reliving back pain

Rita Suthar

I have experienced the magic of JOE LEU and GHAM mantra for back pain.

No longer I suffer from IBS


I have irritable bowel which had gone for a decade and now returned. I am currently on bowel relaxative and want to speed up recovery so I can get back to work rapidly.


Chant “IMPATIENS” or take this Bach flower remedy 2 pills three times.

In addition, take the Basic remedies for irritable bowel syndrome: WHITE CHESTNUT, MIMULUS and HORNBEAM.

This combination will cut the fear of expecting the bowels at any time.

The fear will be constant – always thinking about it fearfully. For most of the people, when they have to go out, fear develops and they go to the toilet and does not start easily, which is covered by Hornbeam.


(Follow up) Thank you sir! I no longer suffer IBS!!

Also, I chant “RELEASE RESISTANCE” whenever any painful stimulus and bowel starts. It goes away.

I also try to do “RELEASE RESISTANCE” whenever I get unwanted thought.

Had severe cough for months together

Bhuvana Srinivasan

I have been your student, follower and a great admirer of your healing powers.

I had severe cough for months together. You asked me to take WHITE CHESTNUT and YELLOW SAPPHIRE.

You also told me a new technique to Heal Kidneys by giving it Reiki! It worked. I blindly followed and I am feeling good to you.

I request to give me all abundant knowledge to be free from all physical problems.


Gas problem doesn’t bother me anymore


Whatever I do cannot reduce my weight.

I am chanting “APAANA BOW MOVE ON”. But there is still swelling. I am listening to the Weight Loss CD too.


“APANA BOW MOVE ON” is not for reducing weight. It is given to you for your gas problem

Faith (after couple of weeks)

Thank you Master, the gas problem gone, it doesn’t bother me anymore.


Apaana is the prana that moves downward. Downward movement is necessary to excrete urine and bowels.

If the Apaana – downward moving air – comes up because of uncleared bowels, it is flatulence. The above phrase restores the downward movement and makes oneself free from gas problem.

Temperature reduced


As suggested by you, I chanted the mantras, “OM KREEM NAMAHA, OM HREEM NAMAHA” and in addition I took the Drawing Pills that I got from center, for my fever and infection.

Now, I feel better. Thanks!

Naran S Balakumar

Om Kreem Namaha is the cleanser; Om Hreem Namaha brings down temperature or heat.

Drawing pills contain Hepar Sulph Silicea and Gunpowder each in 6x potency. They are ideal for any infection either viral or bacterial or fungal.

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