Life is Easy

Stop the delay

Naran S Balakumar

To stop the delay, chant the mantra, “OM PRAAM PREEM PROWM SAHA SHANAYEH NAMAHA”.

Remedy to repair gadgets and automobiles


I wanted to know, are electronics items/gadgets are affected by the mental state of the owner. I gifted new mobile to my husband. He said it is wonderful.

But, within1-2 months, he is saying it is so slow, hangs too much.voice is not clear etc.

He bought a new laptop. He said same thing, it’s a wonderful laptop. But after sometime…. same thing happens to it also. Its speed is slow, hangs etc.

His car always got 2 or 3 scratches /damages in a year, though not major damages. Any remedy to heal his gadgets and automobiles?



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