Love and Harmony

Cherish Every Bond: The Final Meeting

Naran Sri Balakumar

The relationships and people you meet in this life will not be encountered again in future births. This is the final meeting, the last relationship.

Cherish Every Bond: The Final Meeting

Life brings people into our journey—family, friends, and strangers who leave lasting impressions. But what if this is the last time you will ever meet them, not just in this life, but in all lifetimes to come?

Each relationship, whether joyous or painful, serves a purpose. Every interaction is an opportunity for growth, learning, and healing. If we embrace this truth, we begin to cherish our connections, forgive more easily, and love unconditionally.

Often, we take relationships for granted, believing there will always be another chance. But what if this is the final encounter?

Would we speak differently, act with more kindness, or hold on to grudges a little less?

Spiritual wisdom teaches that every soul crosses our path for a reason, and once their role in our journey is fulfilled, they move on. Understanding this makes us appreciate each moment, each person, with a heart full of gratitude.

A wise old man sat by the riverbank, watching the sunset. His grandson, Arjun, sat beside him, troubled.

Grandfather, why do people leave us? Why do relationships end?” he asked.

The old man smiled. “Every soul we meet is like a traveler at a train station. Some stay longer, some leave quickly, but none stay forever.”

Arjun frowned. “Will we meet them again?”

The grandfather shook his head. “No, my child. Every meeting is unique. If you knew this was your last moment with someone, how would you treat them?

Arjun thought for a while and whispered, “With love, kindness, and no regrets.

The old man nodded. “Then live that way, always.

That evening, Arjun embraced his grandfather tightly, realizing the depth of his words.

That night, Arjun lay in bed, his heart heavy. His father had scolded him earlier, misunderstanding his intentions. Hurt and angry, Arjun had walked away without a word. But his grandfather’s voice echoed in his mind. “If this was your last moment with someone…”

A sudden fear gripped him—what if he never got another chance to fix things? He hurried to his father’s room. His father sat there; his face weary. Arjun hesitated, then softly said, “Appa, I’m sorry for walking away. I know you only want the best for me.”

His father looked up, surprised. Then, with a deep sigh, he pulled Arjun close. “I misunderstood you too, son. I’m sorry.”

In that moment, the unspoken barriers dissolved. Arjun realized—understanding, love, and forgiveness must never be delayed.

Remove Demanding Love

Naran S Balakumar

Whenever a relationship is formed between two – as husband and a wife, the relationship always is resting on one’s rights. They demand (love).

The Animal Spirit Guide CRANE removes this demanding love.

What I mean by demanding?

I mean asking for dowry as well as problems due to in-laws.

Some women complaint, “He loves his mother more than me. His behavior changes in front of his mother. Whenever my sister-in-law enters the scene, there is always a conflict”.

A person then develops fear and insecure feeling. The Animal Spirit Guide Crane removes that feeling and develops a feeling of being loved.

Business of Love

Our love is nothing but bargaining love. If you love me more then I also will love you more. Love has become a form of business.

Why this is happening?

Our love always stems from HARA CENTER (Chakra). Thinking we want own somebody, we love them. Marriages don’t happen from the Heart Center.

What are the implications due to this mind sight?

We are not ready to give love to the spouse who doesn’t reciprocate properly.

How does Crane help you here?

Whether you receive love or not you are ready to love the opposite person.

Our blaming tendency is healed well by crane. It removes it from us. In addition, Crane is also needed for children, who blame their parents.

Like Flower Remedies, it looks like Animal Spirit Guides are useful to us. I have created a Harmony Pack using Animal Photos.

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How to manage disharmony within a family

Naran S Balakumar



Audio Pronounciation

Audio Player

One must live in the family whether there is a fight or not.

We are accustomed to live with the fighting only. If there is no fight, we feel worried sometimes. If the other family is also fighting, we are happy.

What should one do to be harmonious at least in one’s mind?

How a typical/ ideal husband and wife should be?

Is there any person who can guide us?

No human can guide us. But there is one pair, the ideal pair who is harmonious forever. The pair is Shakti and Shiva.

What is the secret?

They work in the world as if they are the two sides of the same coin. Shiva is light and Shakti is force.

Without force, light cannot operate; without light, force is of no use.

Shiva cannot act without Shakti and vice versa. They are in the world as if they are under a magic spell.

How’s this possible? You must chant their names only as well as their union. That’s the secret.

The following mantra will be helpful to win the love of the husband or retain the love of the husband.

Retention is very poor nowadays. Before marriage, people love each other even for 10 years so intimately.

However, immediately after marriage, the loves start waning. People then will ask you to check the marriage date and re-marry again.

True love is the love without ego.

‘I am always lower to her’ – The husband says (i.e.) Shiva says.


The one who resides in the CHINTAMANI (wish-fulfilling jewel) is the supreme mother. CHINTAMANI means the supreme mind, where she resides and is the one who fulfils our desires.

GRUHANTHASTHAA means the house.

VALLABHAA means Love.

SWADHINA means Nature. Love is your nature. Love is not from the ego but it is from the heart.

A CD is also available at the centre. It contains the switch words and affirmations that bring in the harmony.

Close your eyes. Feel the presence of Shiva and Shakti in the heart centre. Put the (Pooja) flowers one after the other (mentally).

Pray to them with the sincere heart.

Go inside the heart. At the centre of the heart, they are sitting as Ardhanadishwara.

Offer the flower mentally. Sing the words.


It is the mind without self-identity, one dissolving into the other, with total disintegration of the ego.


Stop blaming and find harmony

Naran S Balakumar

The Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW is to stop the blaming:

  • “It happens to every other person but not for me”
  • “Life is unfair”
  • “Why me?”
  • Sometimes, you blame God also for not answering your prayers. “Why god is punishing me?”

All these thoughts will come whenever you are in disharmony.

WILLOW is to forgive and forget.

Some aspects of disharmony

Naran S Balakumar

With a desire to be loved is taken care, everyone enters the family. Is it not?

Whenever there is any expectation, there will be disappointment also.

When the spouse says something or does something you dislike or disagree, you start resisting him inwardly. It’s the first step.

After the marriage, somewhere the dislike starts and you don’t discuss it openly. You keep the disagreement or disappointment within yourself. So the likes changes into dislike.

In the initial stages, it could have been expressed. But, normally nobody express it properly, keeps it in the mind and suppressing it. This continues till it changes into resentment and anger.

Who started the anger and resentment first?

Nobody knows. Till it develops into anger and resentment, it’s a silent cold war only.

Anger always separates. Love binds.

Initially, on the first day, you may have loved. Because of the disagreement, distance develops and anger separates you.

The wall is formed between two. It may be a husband and wife; boss or employer.

You find ways to blame, criticise the opposite person or you talk behind him.

You always have a tendency to think that the other person is always wrong. We never say that ‘I am wrong’. So that we try to correct others at the starting point itself.

You feel rejected. This rejection makes somebody suspicious also. The male persons seek extra marital solace.

Sometimes, the same relationship makes you feel numb.

How to come out of disharmony

Naran S Balakumar

Disharmony comes out of ego and pride

What good things have you done in your life?

How many people praised you?

Sometimes when you do some work, you feel satisfied that you have done a great work. What is that?

The disharmony in the family happens when you are praised outside and you feel that you are not given enough respect at home.

Without understanding that you are not respected at home only, you are praised outside.

Think about the events where you are praised well.

You might helped somebody and felt that you have done that. This ego and pride brings the disharmony.

We are only ordinary people.

How to bring down the ego when somebody praise?

You are not doing anything without the will of God. It is he who wills and you are an instrument.

Suppose your pen comes and tells you that it has written so much. What will you do? Immediately you will break the pen and throw it away.

Surrender the ego and relinquish this part so that you always keep in mind that the divine is the doer and you are just a channel.

Don’t feel proud that you are the channel. Think that let you be fit to carry on the divine work.

How to kill the mind and remove the ego?


Rama has done everything without Ego. He submitted totally to the Divine Will trusting the divine. That’s why Ramam is Manoharam.

Mano means mind. Haram means kill.

Manoharam also means beautiful. Only divine is beautiful.

Be engrossed in the chanting of the mantra.

“Rama, make me also behave like you. Make me also surrender all my ego and allow the divine to act”.

How to become a loving person?

Naran S Balakumar

Seek the help of Animal Spirit Guide SWAN. It heals heart, cleanses and clears all the emotions that prevent you from exhibiting love.

Look at the picture of Swan.

Say, “Life is a gift”.

Do thanking exercise.

Visualise Swan turning into red and start thanking.

Thank all your belongings – house, area, city, mother earth, body organs, food, cooking vessels, clothes etc.

Change the swan into Orange color.

Thank all your relations, family and friends.

Change the swan to Yellow color.

Thank all your servants, vendors, store from which you buy provisions and other materials.

Visualise the Swan in Green color.

Then it becomes white swimming in water beautifully.

Thank all the incidents in life.

How to develop compassion and concern for others

Naran S Balakumar

Look at the picture of PIGEON and chant “CALM BEAR GLORY DIVINE LOVE”.

Pigeon increases your mother aspect. Mother means giving who always thinks about the welfare of the other persons and children. That’s why GLORY.

Compassion is developed. Consideration for always for others can be developed by the animal spirit guide Pigeon.


Why finding harmony is difficult in a family?

Naran S Balakumar

Harmony is a must in the family.

If you don’t receive anything from any friendship or relationship, we will leave that. That is the nature of man.

Even disharmony (i.e.) fighting and quarrelling will happen in the family. But he will maintain the family because you are getting something.

That’s why we want fighting also and we want to be in the family also. Outwardly, we will say that there is no peace but only disharmony. This desire deletes so many things from our mind.

Why all the desires are not happening to us?

Desire to receive is to be balanced by desire to give. It is not there with all of us.

There’s one millionaire. He made one announcement that he want to distribute all his money to thousands of people. Each will get one lakh rupees.

People will be called in an open space and ask the people to stand in a queue. The queue’s a huge one. All the people kept silent.

Standing in the queue, he made an announcement that the first person will get one rupee, second person will get two rupees and so on. After the tenth person, it will get doubled. The eleventh person will get 1000 rupees and so on.

So the last person will get 1 lakh or 10 lakhs. Every one tried to go back. Nobody came forward to get the money. That is how we run the life.

Always wanting to receive something and always wanting to change the life. It cannot happen. We have to change in our mind.

When the mind changes, everything will change outside. But we always want to change everything from outside.

Think from this angle. When your mind quietens, all techniques will be helpful to you.

For some people, one problem may remain unsolved. The rest of the problems may get solved. All the techniques were working for other problems except one. It means that in that area, the person’s not changing.

The words, animal spirits and the Bach flowers are divine tools. Allow the (particular) divine tool to work for you by surrendering your desire.

There is nothing wrong in desiring anything. But don’t go after the result. Do all the methods. Whatever results come, accept it and say, “There is nothing as last moment”

You feel that it has not worked means that you have put an end to it. When something is not working, you put an end to it.

Whatever techniques you use and you get frustrated since it does not work, that is the time to surrender. You should not conclude that it will not happen.

Switch Words for Harmony Part IV

Naran S Balakumar


Slow means be patient and be wise. Slow will tell you what has to be corrected in you.

We are always very fast.

When you go on the road by car, you cannot see everything on the road.

When you go by cycle, you see a lot of things on the road which you have missed in the car.

When you walk, you find more things.

Whatever you have missed in life, SLOW will bring them.

CARE means be slow and carefully observe.

It is very helpful for children.

When you want to retain a person, you should extend your love – “SLOW CARE LOVE DIVINE DELIGHT”

Sometimes we feel impatient. When you feel something is delayed, “SLOW CARE TOGETHER DIVINE”.

When your work depends on somebody and you want to do it fast, “SLOW CARE TOGETHER HALFWAY DIVINE”.

“HALFWAY DIVINE” – done immediately.

“SLOW CARE TOGETHER DIVINE” is very good for Doctor’s diagnosis.

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