Mantra Healing

Mantras for Bliss

Naran S Balakumar

When you are criticized and blamed

To protect ourselves from others’ anger and criticism and to ignore others’ criticism chant the mantra “OM JOOM SAHA SAHA JOOM OM”.

Instead of reacting with anger, chant the mantra.

This mantra protects you against evil eye too.

Kadgam Saranam

Chanting “KADGAM SARANAM” will bring your anger down.

Overcome animalist tendencies

PASUPATHIM MAHADEVAM: to overcome animalist tendencies, this mantra will help.

Uncontrollable anger

OM HREEM TAHA: will put off the anger fire. Very effective for controlling one’s unnecessary and misplaced anger.

Keep the fire under control


Health matters

This mantra reduces the body heat. Thus, it is a good mantra for fever.

The process of oxygen intake and carbon dioxide excretion will take place wonderfully by chanting this mantra. Every cell will get required oxygen because the mantra will directly activate the lungs and purifies the blood.

TAHA means cancel.

Anger inside you

Why the body is hot always? That means there is a lot of anger inside.

Heat means red and red signifies anger. When there is suppressed anger, the whole body would be very hot. The heat tries to escape from the body.

When there is a fire atmosphere – when a lot of fighting happens inside your house, keep chanting “OM HREEM TAHA” and all will calm down.

Incidents of Fire

While watching TV, if you see a fire accident, you can chant “OM HREEM TAHA” by looking at the TV scene. Then fire will get reduced. This mantra is a real fire extinguisher.

At the time of a volcano eruption you can chant this mantra.

Taha arrests the anger. We will be able to face the anger and win the anger too.

Real Happiness

Reduce your anger

HREEM is a very powerful word. The Sei hey ki Reiki symbol has come from that.

When you chant “OM HREEM TAHA”, your fever will come down by bringing the body temperature down. It will also bring the anger down.

It can balance the Solar Plexus chakra too.

Internal change is easy

By chanting OM HREEM NAMAHA our ignorance is removed. What is the energy behind the mantra?

It is a combination of the three energy forms of the goddesses – Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

Saraswati – sheds our ignorance, meaning Knowledge. It brings in enlightenment, as well as gives us pure white and crystal clear knowledge.

Durga removes our ego and pride which prevent us from shedding our ignorance and all the unwanted and unrequired energy inside us.

Lakshmi: to make one a complete being – life and light.

The mantra will open up to our real self. Real happiness can be found out.

When you are travelling don’t chant as we are surrounded by all kinds of people and the mantra will be only cleaning the place and not you. So preferably chant it at home.

Om Hreem Namaha is for internal change.

Master of Death and Truth

I will give you eight Namas (names) of Yama, the Lord of death:

Dharmaraajam Namamyaham

Samanam Namamyaham

Krudhantham Namamyaham

Dhanda-dharam Namamyaham (the one who gives punishment)

Kaalam Namamyaham

Yamam Namamyaham

Punyamitram Namamyaham

Easam Namamyaham

The benefits of chanting the Mantra are:

  1. If you chant these daily, fear of death will not be there.
  2. The additional benefit is that, there won’t be any fire accident. Even if there is fire, no one will die. Everyone will be safe and alive.
  3. This can be told to Children and for those who tell a lot of lies. For those who are getting spoilt in bad company. We can chant this for them. They will be brought back to good books. This mantra will help and be useful – not to fall into bad company and not to do bad deeds.

What does Kaalam mean?

Kaalam means time.

When time comes, he (Dharmaraja/Time) will give the end. He will not wait for anyone. Time and tide waits for none. So, if we keep prostrating to him, then he will waitJ.

Solution Finder

Even after chanting OM HAM NAMAHA for a week if there is no improvement or no movement then to come out of the problem, chant “HOOM KSHAM”.

You can also chant this mantra with breathing. When you say HOOM exhale and inhale while chanting SHAM.

When you say HOOM the darkness will go out i.e., the one that is surrounding the problem.

SHAM means light, and the light should come to the third eye (Buddhi – intelligence). Sham is the Bija mantra for third eye.

When the darkness goes out then light comes in. Alternatively, when the light comes in, then darkness goes out.

This is a solution finder.

In this usage of “HOOM KSHAM” mantra, the only disadvantage is that we do not know what solution will come.

The solution will come but since we could not identify the same because either we carelessly leave or simply neglect it.

The divine ways are different. We may think that the solution may not be so simple and therefore we may neglect.

Unfortunately, the one which you may neglect be the right solution for you. Therefore, we have to be careful when you get the solution by chanting this mantra.

In addition, we always think that the problem is insurmountable. Therefore, we must observe keenly and particularly observe what we think is simple.

Treating Fever and UTI


My father was admitted for the 3rd time in GH, Pondicherry), after an episode of Seizure. We took him to JIPMER where he was treated for UTI.

He got discharged on 8th of this month. After more than 40 days of our hospital and house shuttle, he came home. He again developed UTI after coming and its being treated at home.

He also gets regular bouts of fever due to infection.

Your site is my RESCUE REMEDY!!!

I read the mantra healing topic and I’m chanting the Mantra “OM HOWM VUM JOOM SAHA” in the water and mixing it with a bottle of water and giving him.

Also, I have written and placed the same Mantra under his pillow.

I noticed that from the day I started to give this water, he never had a high-grade fever. It only touches to 100 or sometimes no fever at all.

Thanks to you and the Mantra….!!!

Mantras for Internal Organs

Special Mantras for Internal Organs

Chant the five mantras together. This set of mantras improves thyroid also, which is responsible for all organs and stimulates all organs.

Om Hraam Namaha

This is good for heart. It can handle any heart problem. For BP do the Heart Mudra and chant this Mantra.

  • Fold the forefinger down on the mound of the thumb. Join the thumb with the tips of the third and fourth finger.

Om Hraim Namaha

It works on our Kidneys and Urinary bladder.

Om Hreem Namaha

This stimulates the lungs. It reduces fever. For fever with cold, chant Om Hreem Namaha and Om Hraim Namaha.

Om Hroom Namaha

This mantra takes care of Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas (secretes digestive enzymes), Spleen, Small Intestine and thus works for all digestive organs.

This mantra heals Jaundice and provides us with vital essence.

Om Hraum Namaha

This mantra heals Constipation and gas problems, and takes care of Large intestine, which eliminates wastage elements.

Activate, Normalize and Balance Your Chakras


Mantras outwardly look ordinary. However, they can do lots of things. It can lead us to live our lives better. They activate the energy centres/chakras as well.

Chant the mantras below in the order repetitively: “OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM HUM NAMAHA”.

The pronunciation rendering of Mantras is provided in the CDs.

Internal Organ Massage


This internal organ massage is done using Chinese Mantras. To look young, the organs have to be young. Especially intestines should be youthful and energetic.

Chanting the mantras will massage the organs. They will regain their youth. When the intestine glows the face will glow too. Of course, we have to do the physical massage.

Pull the web between the fingers. Do it on both the hands.

Chant the mantra “SAHN SAHN JO LEW BA YOW WU”

You can say it anytime. It is a spiritually elevating mantra.

Remain happy irrespective of obstacles in life


I am from a religious Hindu Brahmin family. I got married before 8 years. The problem now I am facing is my husband is too religious and this is affecting my personal life.

He is much attached to his family members. Not to me. Not showing interest in married life, but showing more interest in all other things.

I am facing plenty of obstacles in all aspects of life. Even in treatment for progeny. I am much confused. I will not separate even a lid from the container. Because I have the thought, pairs should not be separated.

But all are waiting in line to separate my pair from me. Whom shall I blame – everybody, including his closest relations.

One more son is there for my in-laws but expecting my husband for all. Not disturbing elder for anything. Both financially and physically and spoiling my life only.




Thanks a lot for your immediate response. Gone through your site and read all your mantras, Bach flower remedies, switch words, animal spirit.  All are fantastic and excellent.

Chanted “VALLABAM GAJAANANAM EKA THANTHAM” in crisis and experienced the results. All are working well.

The main change in me before chanting is if anything gets postponed, I will get angry and expose it.

But now anything gets postponed, I am not getting angry and mind is getting convinced itself as everything is in divine order and it is for good only. I am able to experience it.

Thanks a lot once again for all the services rendered to human kind and helping people suffering like me. I will start chanting “BASKARAM PRABODHAM”.

Can you explain the meaning of the above because I am having the anxiety to know?


THANK YOU. I am happy that you are using most of the techniques.

We can remain happy without having anything. When we remain happy, we attract what is good and anything bad is repelled. Our happiness should not depend on anything outside.

Baskaram Prabodham will keep you in a happy state whatever the situation is outside.

Best of Baskaran’s (the sun-god) grace!

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