Mantra Healing

Remove your Mental/Physical Sufferings and Difficulties, and Heal cancer



Let us see the meaning of the individual words in this mantra

  • Sree means respect to the divine. RA is the sound, the creator of all sounds. RA is as powerful as 12 suns. We have only one sun. But the word has inside it the energy of 12 suns. It generates so much vibration. That’s why it’s an all- pervading and all-powerful mantra. Our ancestors described the figure of RA. They say it has countless faces and legs. The word has that effect.
  • Repeated recitation of the word MA can even help you in your next life.
  • Jaya Ram à JA destroys all mental and physical sufferings
  • YA in Jaya and M make you accomplish anything. You can cross any difficulties in life.

Benefits of Reciting this Mantra

Any difficulties can be circumvented with this mantra.

It can prevent the growth of cancer cells. This would be a sound treatment for cancer patients.

Preparing Mantra Charged Water

Chant this mantra by holding plastic bottle with water and give it to the patient. You go on chanting this mantra for more than 100 times.

The water will absorb the power of mantra then. Water is the only medium that can receive, store and transmit the energy (of mantra) to others.

Give the mantra charged water to tumour and cancer patients.

How cancer appears

At the cellular level, body contains multitudes of cells. The body goes on producing the cells. Some of the cells will die too.

When the cells are produced, one of them could turn out to be a rogue cell. Immediately, a command will come from body, for the rogue cell to commit suicide.

The rogue cell will commit suicide then. Sometimes, it doesn’t receive the command. Then it becomes cancerous.

Even cellular scientist doesn’t know why certain rogue cells don’t receive the command to kill itself.

Receiving Oxygen gives a Send-off to Cancer

The cancerous cells die, when oxygen is in plenty. In the presence of oxygen, the cancer cells can’t thrive.

What’s that one thing that stops a cell from receiving oxygen?

When there is stress, the cells don’t receive oxygen.

When there is a meeting, and you are not able to go in time, you will be under great tension.

When we are worried, we are under stress and tension.

When we get angry, we become stressed.

If stress is there for more than 36 hrs, the cells will not absorb oxygen; even if oxygen is available the normal cells will become cancerous.

Practice of Sree Ram Mantra does the trick

There are ways to receive oxygen. Chanting the Sree Ram Jaya Ram Mantra is one way.

You chant names of certain flowers or Gems, or do some Mudras then you will receive the oxygen too.

The mantra is equivalent to 12 suns and therefore it works like a laser.

I have given this mantra to quite a few. All of them are able to cope up with cancer and they have reported excellent improvement.

Flying high in the sky again

According to the legend, just chanting ‘Ram’ has regenerated the entire wings of the eagle Sambadhi. Here is the story on what happened to it (from the Epic Ramayana).

Thousands of monkeys were trying to locate Sita, but they couldn’t find her. They decided that they should commit suicide as they have failed in their assignment.

They were talking at the foot of a small hill. In the same hill, a giant eagle was living there whose wings were burnt.

The name of the eagle is Sambadhi. Somehow it was managing by itself. Sambadhi told the monkeys, that Ravana had taken Sita to Lanka.

Hearing this news, the monkeys became happy and started chanting in joy, “Sree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram”.

Immediately, Sambadhi’s wings grew. That’s the power of this mantra.

What does the mantra do? It produces oxygen to cells. It can kill unwanted cells as well as give life to existing cells.

One Universal Mantra


Every God has their field day

For Shivaratri we pray to Siva, for Pradosham another deity and so on.

On specific days, we chant mantras for a specific god.

Thus during different days, we chant different mantras. Do we have to say so many mantras or do we have one mantra which takes care of all the gods.

Naran S. Balakumar

We chant mantras based on the trust and love and association we have for a particular god.

Different people prefer different gods. This is based on mind of the person.

All gods are one and the same. Why so many gods or energies?

Each of those gods has a specific purpose behind them.

Universal Mantra

Of course there is one mantra that gives the benefit of chanting mantras for all gods. It is the mantra, “Hare Rama Hare Krishna”.

If we take Bija mantras for all mantras, then they are present inside this mantra.

Combination of all characters of mantras pertaining to all Gods is found in this mantra.

Ego creeps in

Whatever mantra you say then immediately you get attached yourself to deity. You feel proud that you have done so much.

However, while doing a Japam, it should remove my ego too.

There is no flaw in the mantras. But mantra should have the capability to shed our ego. “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” mantra can do that for us. Nothing else is needed.

That doesn’t mean we need not go away from mantras for other Gods.

Get a total satisfaction

People have attained Siddhis or liberation with all the mantras. Why then Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra has a special place?

If you chant “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” mantra, then you get the satisfaction that you get by chanting all the mantras. You feel complete because you have not missed out any.


Earlier, I use one leg to get climb the stairs to attend the classes of Naran.

After chanting “Hare Ram Hare Krishna” mantra, I could use both the legs. My knees are so much better.

Improve Your Decision Making Capabilities and Develop Your Third Eye


SHIVOHUM means, ‘I am Siva’.  I am that.

Our Decision Making Process is Poor

Whenever we need to take a decision, we have to know the positive side or negative side of it.

Our decisions are imperfect, any decision for that matter, because we are limited by our own perception.

We know only two sides of the coin – right or wrong, positive or negative, and good or bad.

However, a decision has to be tuned with the divine will.

Unfortunately, we take our decisions unconsciously. But, we are lucky enough to take the right decisions sometimes.

Tuning with the Divine Will

Is there anything that will tune me to the divine will and give me the power of discrimination (Vivekam)?

Is there a way, through which I can take decisions as per divine will or plan?

The Shivohum mantra can help you in this regard.

Shiva means Mangalam. The one word that produces happiness in you is Shiva. By repeating that one can be happy, for the word Shiva produces happiness. How?

Then, I become Shiva or an embodiment of Shiva.

Thinking like Divine

In the normal life, think, “Why not I become like divine? Why not I think like a divine?”

If you think like divine, your life would be alright.

The Shivohum will keep you align with divinity.

Benefits of chanting Shivohum

The mantra gives you the state of happiness, so whatever you do will produce happiness.

HUM activates the throat chakra and thyroid. Our throat chakra can be energised and balanced.

HUM activates thyroid and purifies it, which is responsible for detoxification of the body. If any mental impurities are there, Hum will release it. Then you take the decision.

Shivohum activates the third eye chakra or higher perception. It’s the third eye, which is responsible for wisdom.

However, we can’t directly activate our third eye. We have to release the impurities first.

Chanting of this mantra achieves both.

Why mantras are so special?

If there are no sounds then there is no world. Sound alone can create structure or a form based on the principle of sympathetic resonance.

If you tune one tuning fork (or a crystal bowl) then tuning fork next to it will also resonate in the same frequency.

So sound is important to our lives. It is the creator of the world. If there is no sound then there is no world.

Bija Mantras

Our ancestors have found out that our Chakras – the energy centres or wheels of energy are responsive to specific sounds called as Bija mantras.

Bija means seed. It can influence the DNA of the matter inside us. When all the chakras open up harmoniously, things will happen for us automatically – with least of our efforts.

Benefits of Bhajans Singing

If the mind is attached to the body then we always think about it. Then whatever happens to the body is more painful to us.

Therefore, we had to detach the mind from body. How?

By listening to Bhajans or doing Keertans is one way of releasing body from mind and completely disassociating from it.

As long as you’re concerned about body, there will be shyness in our approach. This can be removed with help of Bhajans.

Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras. Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself.

So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

Speciality of Namas or Mantras

Each of them works with different parts of the body.

For example, Kesavam Narayanam mantra acts on Hara chakra. It is a cleansing mantra.

Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.

Poojas Are Effective too…

We can break up any mantra or Namas to one or more bija mantras.

Poojas are important for the same reason as they are nothing but mantras. Each and every name of the lord is a coinage of bija mantra. Thus our own centres are activated when we hear the Namas.

Healing Through Mantras

For mantras, all problems are one and the same. They don’t differentiate serious problems from smaller problems.

A mantra that works for one problem will work for similar types of problems – whether they are big or small.  Thus God’s ways are simple.

There are many mantras available to us. Based on the situation we had to chant the appropriate mantra. Keep chanting them until the problem is solved.

Water Treatment with Mantras

Any mantra/switch word/Bach flower remedies can be chanted by holding a glass of water on your hand. Then after sometime, drink it.

Healing Others

To heal others put their name in a piece of paper, keep it on the left hand and chant the mantras.

Preferably chant during the beginning of the day and then later before going to sleep.

Numerology Doesn’t Work (all the time)

The most important thing is how the Mantra sounds.

Numerology doesn’t work for the same reason. If you add one more “A” to your name, it will not make any difference as your name is going to be pronounced in the same way.

Thus pronunciation is important. We are subject to sound. Even if somebody doesn’t know spelling, it impacts them.

Spirtually Elevating Mantras

Booklet of Mantras Part I

Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

  • Repeated recitation of this mantra will destroy mental sufferings
  • You can cross any (troubled) waters
  • For fulfilment and accomplishment
  • Takes care of your next lifetime

Om Hreem Taha

  • Mantra to curb violence anywhere
  • A mantra for world peace

Om Hreem Padhma Nande(y)shwara Hoom

  • Liberates you from the unwanted karmic influences from past lifetimes
  • Protects one from any accident
  • To build enormous wealth or to amass wealth, one has to chant this mantra day and night

Srinivasa Aravindhalochana

  • To help one come out of legal entanglements or confinement

Kadgam Saranam, Sangam Saranam, Saarngam Saranam

  • To channelize anger or hurt

Pasupadhim Mahaadevam

  • To come out of temptation, craving, addictions, and infatuation


To take decision as per the divine will

Vajreswari Vaamadevi Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha

  • You will become compassionate and everybody will start loving you.
  • Your physical heart becomes stronger.
  • You will always be youthful.
  • We will die naturally, at the same time not be bed ridden.
  • To have balance in the body.

Wung R Hong

  • Improves portal circulation as well as Brain Circulation
  • Because we are standing up all through the day, very little blood goes to brain. This is taken care by the sound R. This mantra activates the nervous system too.
  • To align the frequency of the Astral body with our Physical body apply this mantra. Bring the hands together to Hara chakra without any physical effort while chanting it continuously. Your left hand should come first and then the right hand.

The pronunciation rendering of Mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana – (98843 01634) or to buy CDs.

Relationship Mantras

If you chant the below mantras together they will increase the harmony and stability in family. Harmony and understanding will improve in your personal life.

Five minutes of chanting will do.

If mantras are said alone they will be affect the concerned organs.

  • If you want to create a harmonious environment – the space around you – chant OM HUM NAMAHA. Prana is activated.
  • If you want others to be surrounded in harmony OM YUM NAMAHA. Plasma is activated. 50 % of our blood contains plasma. It’s the transport mechanism for excretion – for example carbon dioxide and toxins.
  • If you want to understand others and others to understand you – OM RUM NAMAHA. It improves blood circulation.
  • If you want to relate with others – OM VUM NAMAHA. Improves Communicate with others.
  • If you want to strengthen your relationship – OM LUM NAMAHA. To improve the flexibility and muscle strength, and after making somebody as your friend you want to strengthen and stabilise relationship.

Inexplicable Joy

Mantras Discussed during the workshop held on April 20th 2013


Pranava Roopini Mantra is so powerful that it can make the ozone layer whole, closing the hole.

It is to improve the greenery atmosphere. To create a green atmosphere, chant the Pranava Roopini mantra.

Hreengara has HREEM inside in it, which was discussed in the earlier blog.

Ozone layer is nothing but the Surya (Sun) Mandalam (solar field).

Pranava is the energy behind creation.

Sachitananda Roopini means an ever happy (person). So the same energy will come to you.

You will find inexplicable joy. 

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