Mantra Healing

How not to be deceived and cheated by any fraudulence

Naran S Balakumar


In these days of Facebook culture, this is a very important mantra.

We hear cases where one gives two lakh rupees to get five crores of rupees and gave 20 lakhs rupees to get a job, and losing their money in the process.

This is a case of (Bach Flower) CHICORY (getting greedy) and Cheating going together.

Not to be deceived or cheated by any fraudulence is the purpose of using this mantra.

Sometimes, when you go to the cops, they may turn against you. We hear stories of advocates turning against their clients.

So, this mantra can be chanted almost daily so that we will not attract energies of fraudulent of today’s world.

IM gives you higher perception. It also works on eyes.

This mantra belongs to the Kettai Star.

The ruling deity is Indra, who is the lord of the heaven, but at the same time a master at trickery – his lowest part.

Kettai star is in full of energy at Africa only. That’s why we get all the fraudulent mails from African countries.

To escape from that type of energy, you tap the highest aspect of Indra.

While chanting the mantra do it with full force, as then only Indra’s higher aspect will come to us.


How to Chant the Mantras

Naran S Balakumar

When I talk, do not listen to the words. I will give a gap of about one or two seconds between each word. Concentrate on the gap between the words so that the mantra will be initiated inside you.

Do not bother about the initiation. Just dwell and be with the mantras.

Mantras need not be chanted loudly. They can be chanted within your mind also.

Initially, you chant the mantras loudly so that the mind and the pranic body come to the center. Then you can chant within yourself.

Chanting is nothing but repetition of the mantra. There is no time restriction for doing that. Depending on the problem or life situation, chant as many times as possible.

Do not be fascinated by all the mantras.

Doing a Japam is totally different from normal mantra chanting. There you take only one mantra and continuously chant it. Even one minute of chanting will do.

One can chant for other person also. Usually, it is women who chant the mantras. Their spouses want them to chant it on their behalf.

However, the same men who are reluctant to chant the mantras, when they became grandparents, they want to chant for their grandchildren.

It takes such a longtime for them to accept the healing methods through mantras. In that sense, women are fortunate to be here because they will have all the sources of healing through mantras.

Don’t worry about the pronunciation or the sound of your voice. If you are not sure about your voice, close your eyes.

Fulfilling Your Intentions

Naran S Balakumar

Chant the Bija mantras “Om Lam Namaha, Om Vam Namaha, Om Ram Namaha, Om Yam Namaha, Om Ham Namaha”.

An intention is like Water. It is kept in the pot (Earth) – within the body. You are likely to boil (Fire) it. It gets evaporated (Air) and dissipated into the Space – universe.

Lam activates earth element, Vam activates water element, Ram activates fire element, Yam activates air element, while Ham activates space element.

Next, if the sequence of the chanting is reversed – “Om Ham Namaha, Om Yam Namaha, Om Ram Namaha, Om Vam Namaha, Om Lam Namaha”, the intention of the universe will manifest on earth.

Have an intention now.

You can have any intention. Only thing is, by chanting the mantras, you are sending it to the Universe. You are surrendering your intention to it. It may manifest or it may not. Accept it.

While chanting the Bija Mantras, keep both the palms in the Hara Center.

Chant the Bija mantras “Om Lam Namaha, Om Vam Namaha, Om Ram Namaha, Om Yam Namaha, Om Ham Namaha”. You are sending it (your desire) to the universe.

Now, bring it down on earth by chanting, “Om Ham Namaha, Om Yam Namaha, Om Ram Namaha, Om Vam Namaha, Om Lam Namaha”.

Repeat doing both as many times as you can.

During the last cycle, end chanting Bija mantras after sending your desire to universe (do not chant the mantras in reverse order). Thus, you are surrendering it to the universe.

So, finish up with ascending chanting of mantras and not descending during your last cycle.

The chanting of the mantras is available in a DVD. Please contact center to buy a copy of the same.

Guru Guhan Kodi Kodi Lavanyam – Free Mantra Chanting

Naran S Balakumar

We saw that life is a game of hide and seek.

Ultimately, what should I seek?

Why I am born in this life?

Is life is a like a water-less desert?

This is a good anti-depressive mantra.

Lord Karthikeya says ‘Seek the Atman. Don’t you see me? I am waiting for you. I am inside your heart waiting, longing and thinking whether at any point of time you will turn inside, to see me.

Can you not see me? How long you are going to see outside? Inside there is a cave, come, come and come. I am waiting for you to embrace.

Don’t you see my love? How long I will wait?

When you come to the heart center, travelling inside the dark cave, Lord Muruga – Karthikeyan is there in the form of a child, who is Kodi Kodi (crores) Lavanyam (beautiful).

Seeking inside, enjoy the beauty of your own child, who is Karthikeya. Experience the love from you. He is your teacher. Meditate on him. The child will normally make you happy.

Enjoy the beauty of the child – the smiling child, your own atman, radiating with millions and millions of rays.

The chanting of the mantras is available in a DVD. Please contact center to buy a copy of the same.

Work of the Bija Mantras – Free Mantra Chanting

Naran S Balakumar

“Om Lum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, Om Hum Namaha”

The work of the Bija Mantra is to bring the surface mind (the ego) to the Center. We live our life from the surface mind, where all our emotions and thoughts reside.

The Bija Mantras energize, cleanse, clear and balance the chakras so that all our thoughts come to centre of the mind.

It is called Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) so that you can concentrate on the subject on hand with focus and concentration or with Gyana (knowledge).

The chanting of the mantras is available in a DVD. Please contact center to buy a copy of the same.

Pranava Roopini – Free Mantra Chanting

Naran S Balakumar


This mantra is for greenery. It revives all trees and plants. It balances the five elements in the (surrounding) environment so that all of us can get rains in the right time.

Hreengara Roopini is the one who brings in the rain – sufficient rains with no flooding.

Sachitaananda Roopini is the one who makes all of us happy.

We are purview of the solar galaxy (Surya Mandala Vasini), who only can give us the rains.

Wherever this mantra is chanted, there will not be any scarcity for food. One might be rich, but he mayn’t take food to his own satisfaction.

However, we want to eat daily satisfactorily until the end of our life is always our aim. This is the mantra for that.

The chanting of the mantras is available in a DVD. Please contact center to buy a copy of the same.

Kunjitha Padam Saranam – Mantra Chanting 2015

Naran S Balakumar

Even if the person is taken by Yama, this mantra will bring him back to life. So many people swear on this mantra.

For any organ that is not functioning properly, say for example fatty liver, can revive the cells from the Sunya (void).  At the cellular level, it revives.

This is everything and at the same time it is nothing. If anybody is admitted in the hospital, chant this mantra.

If doctor gives only 12 hrs, 24 hrs or 48 hrs for the patient to live, then chant this mantra.

Hare Rama Hare Krishna – Mantra Chanting 2015

Naran S Balakumar

“HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA” works wonderfully for the knee pain – right and left knee.

Whenever somebody gets admitted in a hospital, chant this mantra and he will be discharged. If the doctors are planning to keep the patient in the hospital, then they will not keep, if the mantra is chanted.

The regular phrase:

“Hara Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare”


This is a wonderful mantra for Atherosclerosis i.e., aging of the blood vessels – inflexibility of the blood vessels in terms of circulation.


As you chant faster, your circulation is improving fast, it tones up the heart, and cerebrum as well as peripheral – all circulation improves.



Could you also give us some powerful RAMA mantras for tomorrow is Rama Navami and by chanting it we get the blessings and protection of Lord Ram?




Thank you for the Rama mantra.

Would have been nice if you could explain its significance, meaning and purpose as it is the first time we have heard this mantra.

Also tomorrow is Hanuman Jayanti and would request you to guide us about some special powerful mantra to seek Lord Hanuman’s Blessings & Grace.


By chanting Rama mantra only, hanuman will be pleased.

Chanting of Rama increases the energy of Hanuman in you – how to talk nicely, intelligently and with the purpose.

Hanuman is the manifestation of silence. That is why his deeds are so powerful and cannot be equalled.

Receive the Grace of Lakshmi

Naran S Balakumar

“SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Suryan means light. Lakshmi is always with Narayanan. You will not find Lakshmi very easily, though she is in the heart of Narayana. That is you will not get the real grace of Lakshmi.

So how can I get the grace of Lakshmi?

When we take the light of Suryan, Lakshmi will come. Why she comes?

How Suryan can show Lakshmi to this world?

Lakshmi is in the heart of Narayana

There is a history behind this as to how Lakshmi came to this world?

When the Devas were churning the sea, Lakshmi appeared. Suryan was present in the world even before the appearance of Lakshmi.

At that time Suryan was the Lakshmi. The name of that Lakshmi was “SURYA PRABHA TEJO ROOPA”. It means “With this light I see the full grace of Lakshmi”.

What is the grace of Lakshmi?

It is happiness. Those who have money are not happy. Even others are also not happy. That happiness is missing somewhere.

The moment you get happiness, you will get everything.

This Lakshmi mantra is chanted in the Abundance CD.

Why this mantra gives us happiness?

NAM in the mantra will activate the solar plexus chakra. If you want happiness then the solar plexus chakra must be active. Therefore, we require NAM.

Solar plexus represents fire element. My internal sun, which is the solar plexus chakra, needs to be active.

If you are not able to get happiness from anything then by chanting this mantra you will get the happiness. How?

It is because all outside things are tools for happiness (and not the source of happiness). Money is a tool for happiness. Marriage is a tool for happiness, and so on.

However, happiness is energy inside us. If that happiness has to come out then this mantra NARAYANAM has to be too chanted.

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