Mantra Healing

About Mantras

Why mantras are so special?

If there are no sounds then there is no world. Sound alone can create structure or a form based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. If you tune one tuning fork or a crystal bowl, then the one next to it will also resonate in the same frequency. So sound is important to our lives. It has created the world — how so many things it has created!

Our ancestors have found out that our Chakras – the energy centres or wheels of energy are responsive to specific sounds called as Bija mantras. Bija means seed. It can influence the DNA of the matter inside us. When all the chakras open up harmoniously, things will happen for us automatically – with least of our efforts.

Sound doesn’t know anything. It just works for good or bad based on the nature of the mantras. Like there are good mantras, there are harmful mantras too. They will work in a harmful way. Therefore, be careful about using them!

Functioning of Mantras

For mantras, all problems are one and the same. They don’t differentiate serious problems from smaller problems. A mantra that works for one problem will work for similar types of problems – whether they are big or small. Thus God’s ways are simple.

Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras.

Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself. So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

Speciality of Namas is, each of them work with different parts of the body. Kesava mantra, acts on Hara chakra. Kesavam Narayanam is a cleansing mantra. Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.

Healing Through Mantras

There are many mantras available to us. Based on the situation we had to chant the appropriate mantra. Keep chanting them until the problem is solved.

To heal others put their name in a piece of paper, keep it on the left hand and chant the mantras. Preferably chant during the beginning of the day and then later before going to sleep.

Remove the darkness of your life


I read the story of Karna. He was born to Kunti Devi with divine rays of sun-god.

Also, seeing that sun is sending solar rays, we are enjoying it in the day time and because of it all work is done correctly.

I also studied your blog under solar rays and its amazing benefits.

Please suggest remedies/mantras to get the blessings of sun-god to solve many of my personal problems.



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Ramam Rama Badram Rama Chandram


Some children have fears and insecurities like fear of talking to somebody, not able to taking major decisions, managing time and so on.

All of them indicate low self-esteem. It is not low self-confidence. They will have reluctance in going about their life.

Who will have more of this problem? Those who have failed in life many times will feel so. Mind will become weak.

Mind means Solar Plexus (Chakra). If you strengthen it, high self-esteem will come. Without any hesitation, if you think you are right, then you should do it – RAMAM.

More you say Ramam then RAMA BADRAM will come. Badram means comfortable. So you will lead a comfortable life.

RAMA CHANDRAM means you will get life. It will get brighter.

From victim state it will help us to come out. We keep struggling so much. Then we will start feeling dejected. Then this mantra will help you to come out of it.

Right Inspiration


Is it NAMASHIVAYA or NAMASHIVAYAM? What is difference between both?


When you chant NAMASHIVAYAM, it activates your right brain, the part of the brain that stores memories in images only. The connection to the Divine immediately happens. Right inspiration will happen as per the words.

In all the mantras I suggested, “M” is added (to activate the right brain)

Lalitham mantras for abundance


Chant the mantras in the following order: Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram and Lalitham Sudarshnam.

Benefits of Lalitham

Lalitha means beauty. I combined M with it – as M immediately vibrates with the right brain. That’s why Bija mantras end with M. It’s the right brain that has to guide our lives.

Whatever sins and mistakes you may have committed, Lalitham helps you to release and be forgiven.

We say our obstacles are due to our bad karma. However, they can be released thanks to Lalitham. Once they are removed, the obstacles to our lives are also removed.

Lalitham Sridharam

Thanks to this mantra, Money will flow into our lives.  Any problem that deals with basic/root/Mooladhara chakra can be handled by this mantra. Then abundance of happiness, comfort and money will result in.

La, Lum (bija mantras) – for Basic Chakra, Tham attracts, Sri – activates third eye, and Rum – energises Solar Plexus Chakra.

Sri and M (at the end of mantra) à Sri is Lakshmi. This is the mantra for Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi will be present, where Vishnu (Narayan) is there. Speciality of Vishnu is that while we search for Lakshmi, Lakshmi is attracted to Narayan. Sridharam – Lakshmi attracted by Narayan. SRIM in Sridharam helps us to establish peace, and destroy evil.

Why we need Rum? When money comes, first confidence will come and then ego will come along with that. Thanks to Rum ego will be removed and Solar Plexus chakra will be balanced.

Lalitham Baskaram (sun)

If there is confusion, it gives clarity. If you want to know the truth and something fishy is happening, chant this mantra.

It will not make you look behind your life. You will keep moving forward as it creates step by step advancement.

Lalitham Sudarshnam

Sudarshnam means light. “SUYA Dharshan” means knowing oneself. Seven to eight Bija mantras are inside this mantra.

Advantages of Lalitham Mantras

All the three are useful to handle Shade Sani.

They can be chanted to handle difficult situations too, for it will bring light into the situation.

You can do it while walking or sitting. It will improve total Punniyam (good karma). You can put Chin Mudra or Acceptance Mudra while chanting this mantra.

Specific Mantras for Internal Organs

In general chant specific mantras only when needed. Special mantras can be done all the time. Mantras mentioned below are organ-specific mantras.

Chant the five mantras together. This set of mantras improves thyroid also, which is responsible for all organs and stimulates all organs.

Om Hraam Namaha

This is good for heart. It can handle any heart problem. The heart vibrates exactly with this mantra. For BP do the Heart Mudra and chant this Mudra.

Om Hraim Namaha

Pronounce Hraim like crime. It works on our Kidneys and Urinary bladder.

Om Hreem Namaha

This stimulates the lungs. Therefore, this mantra is good for any lung problems. It reduces fever.

For fever with cold, chant Om Hreem Namaha and Om Hraim Namaha.

If there is any problem with Ragu planet (if this planet is not in a favourable position) in horoscope keep Arugampul, which reduces ill effects of Ragu.

Om Hroom Namaha

This mantra takes care of Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas (secretes digestive enzymes), Spleen, Small Intestine and thus works for all digestive organs.

This mantra heals Jaundice and provides us with vital essence. After too much eating chant the Chinese mantra ‘EE Joe’.

Om Hraum Namaha

This mantra heals Constipation and gas problems, and takes care of Large intestine, which eliminates wastage elements.

I don’t want to be Bed-Ridden or Remain Youthful

All of us have that desire in common, “When I get old, I should not disturb anybody, and die peacefully, probably while I am in sleep”.

Everybody has this desire. However, we don’t now how to achieve that goal.

Vajreswari Vaamadevi Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha


Vajram means iron. Vajrayudha is the tool of Lord Indra. Vajreswari Shakthi has a strong heart.

If you want an iron like physical heart we have to have compassion. When your emotional heart is lighter, then your physical heart becomes stronger.

How to have that universal love? If I like somebody, I will approach them. Otherwise I will avoid them and give them 100 excuses to meet them.

In our world, today’s friends become tomorrow’s enemies. Without that type of approach to friendships, the heart has to become lighter.

If you chant Vajreswari you will become compassionate and everybody will start loving you.


Today morning a patient asked me, “Will my eyes get beautiful? My eye lashes have to be prominent. Will my skin glow”?

It can happen, provided she takes Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple and Gem Remedy Diamond.

All of us wanted to look young. We will not agree we have become old.

We may mention in a conversation that we have become old, but we don’t want to believe it in our mind. If we say Vaamadevi we will always be youthful.

Why, because of Vama – one of the five Rudras, who always looks young. Vamadeva is married to Devi — who resides in his heart. Vaamadevi here denotes a person who is married to Vama.

Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha

How to be always young? We have to go to that person who is always young and ask her, because she alone knows how one can remain young. That Devi doesn’t have any aging issues.

Our goal is that we should die naturally, at the same time not be bed ridden and be young until we die. Chant this mantra to achieve this goal.

Can I say this mantra silently? Yes, you may.

Application of this Mantra

Imbalance in the body needs this mantra.

My Buddy, Your Time Has Come

Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham

It is a very powerful mantra.

Especially it works on the hips, for example when you are standing for a long time your hip will pain.

You will find plenty of time to do any task. Time will be at your disposal.

Physically it helps to handle skin related problems.

A single tusker Elephant!

How time is available at your disposal?

Why Gajananam (Lord Vinayaga) was called Eka Thandham (an elephant with one tusker)?

When Vyasa wanted to write Mahabharata he was searching for somebody who can put it in paper as fast as he dictates.

The concerned person should understand the subject as well, without stopping the dictation by interfering it. He should understand and never ask to repeat again what was already said (Vallapam).

Vinayaga was the only person who offered to do the job. In the midst of writing the pen got broke. Imagine how much he would have written by then!

He couldn’t find another writing pen nearby. Therefore, he broken one of his tuskers and used it as a pen.

Opening up to the divine time

This mantra makes a person to value time.

‘Time didn’t come yet for our daughter to get married’, is the expression of some parents.

There is always a difference between our time and divine time. We don’t know it. Therefore, we become impatient.

We start believing in what the astrologer says. We approach them to find out when the time will come for us. To open up to the divine time chant this mantra.

Waiting for a Good Result

“I have applied for the job. Yet I haven’t received a call for the job interview. I don’t know when it will come for me!”

Wherever you think time has to come, think and chant this mantra.

I have created this mantra based on Lum and Vum bija mantras.

The Super(man) Power within Us

Naran S Balakumar

Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam

Chant the mantra as follows:





Power is within you!

Hari Narayan has an important meaning. There is always a power within you.

Because we are ruled by our mind, we don’t believe we have great power inside us. We think, ‘I don’t know I have this power’.

We also believe, ‘I am not powerful’, even if others say that. Why? Because, we are in darkness as we are ruled by our mind.

This mantra activates that supernatural power inside us.

Hari Narayana

How does it remove darkness and bring the power? It purifies and cleanses the mind. Then the mind is no more in existence.

Why should we do it? To accomplish great things in life, we need a great goal in life. To achieve your goal, we need this mantra.

The goal need not be a spiritual one. It could be as material as, ‘I want to be successful in my businesses.

For throat chakra – Hari Narayana mantra will help, as Ha is the Bija mantra for throat.


Whatever you earn, can be stabilized with the help of Gopalam. When you think that whatever money you make is not enough, then Gopalam can help you.

Pa (in Gopalam) means a friend in need. When I need help, he will come to me. Thus Gopalam is ready to help me when I am in need.


This mantra will arrest all evils. Dhum in Govindam is destroyer of karma. We often remark, because of our karma we couldn’t achieve something in life. Dhum can remove that karma.

Vallabam Gajananam Yeka Thandham mantra also has Dhum in it.

Govindam can be used for mitigation of suffering from black magic, dark entities and Evil eye (while doing dhirusti – removing evil eye, we could chant this mantra).

How did Krishna get the name Govindam?

When it was raining cats and dogs, Lord Krishna protected the entire village people by lifting the Govardanam hills above his head and held it as a shelter for all.

Effects of the Mantra

Nothing is impossible for divinity. Our divine nature should open up. To remove the mental agony, chant this mantra.

You can come out of any difficulty. However big the problem is, you can come out of it with the help of this mantra.

Let us have a ‘Happy Ending’

Naran S Balakumar






To remain happy, to always be able to overcome trials and tribulations, and to be an achiever, chant the “Hari Narayana” Mantra.

I added HO in the end of this mantra, as it is the switch word for happiness.

Combined with this mantra, happiness will be for ever with and thus this mantra gets complete.

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