Naran's Events
Masterclass on self-realization – Mumbai Workshop
The mediation class was like a masterclass on self-realization.
Cannot single out any particular meditation that was life transforming because each one was shifting something within me as if like one more step taking me closer to self-realization.
So much of lost peace, joy, harmony got re-established within.
The true essence of Mahalaxmi was brought alive within us.
If just by doing it one day can create such profound impact I can imagine how it would be practicing it regularly.
Infinite Gratitude to our beloved Guru, Naran Sir for putting us on to the path of self-realization with so much of ease and Grace.
Embraced the connection of the divinity within me – Mumbai workshop

Awesome technique to come out of unresolved issues
It’s the best day of my life
Words from Karthikeyan – Coach, Mentor and Public Speaker…after attending the Past-Life Healing Workshop on 22nd August 2015, at Chennai by Naran S Balakumar
Awesome technique to come out of unresolved issues
Sudha Ambikadoss
Today was an awesome experience attending the “Violet Flame Past Life DNA Re-programming – Naran workshop at Chennai”.
Such a complex matter explained in detail in the utmost simple way.
He beautifully put forth how to stop repeating patterns in one’s life with simple techniques.
Family patterns – how they affect your job, family life, money and any other aspects – how to break free of the pattern – so that you and the next generations should not suffer – an awesome technique to come out of unresolved issues.
Accidents, suicides, deaths, divorces, debts, cheating, and just about any pattern that has to be corrected.
This is something one needs to do on themselves before trying to work on others.
Genes can be altered using this tool.
Seemingly major issues solved with such ease.
Thank you Naran! I am now in total awe and admiration of you. You are indeed a Divine Master.
Also, so happy that the Divine has blessed us with the capacity to understand, thank you again.
I was all smiles at how Naran made great challenges zap into non-existence.
Am sure many would have benefited from today’s seminar, and look forward to catching up many more seminars to come.
Thank you Shobana for inspiring me to attend the workshop and thank you Naran for blessing us all and sharing this tool in the interest of Mankind!!
The efforts put in compiling the manual are incredible. Thank you!!!
Heartfelt thanks for yesterday’s workshop. Until yesterday we would probably put aside everything as Prarabdha karma thinking nothing is possible to change it.
However, today we have learnt a new dimension to approach our problems.
Thank you very much Naran!!!
Chakra Healing Can’t Be Simpler Than This
Regarding Bangalore Workshop Jan 15th, 2016
R Mohan
We learnt the following as well as other stuff in the workshop:
Healing our chakras
How to receive energy from the universe and in turn increase our energy levels?
How to heal our stars using petal mantras?
How to cleanse and energize seven layers of our aura?
Healing our relationships
How to influence the behavior of ours as well as the person opposite to us? How to heal others with pictures of chakras?
How to heal relationships and marriages that are in dire straits? How to bring commitment to our relationships?
Why somebody remains a single?
Healing your relationship cords with your parents, spouse, children and others and why a divorce follows another divorce?
Healing our lives
How to sell your house and find money?
How to fulfill your intentions – say for example, how to earn certain amount of money?
How to bring stability in life? How to find fulfillment in life? How to find the purpose of your life?
How to put your ideas in action?
How to develop your confidence level? How to become good leaders?
Conversing with divine – benefits of doing so
Mantra combinations to handle black magic, come out of bad company, cure depression and protecting your aura
Thanking all organizers – Vaibhavi, Shobana, Mr. and Mrs. Ravi, Chandrasekar and Naran for conducting the workshop.
Free Group Mantra Chanting 22nd October 2015
Vijaya Dasami 22nd October 2015
Of Group Mantra Chanting: 2 PM – 5 PM
Bala Mandir German hall, 17, Prakasam Street, T. Nagar, Chennai – 17
CHANT Naran’s Mantras to Enjoy Wealth, Love, Harmony, Job, Marriage and GETTING RAINS
Naran’s Mantras are our lifelines
Those who have been using Naran’s mantras know how they help us to handle many of our life issues – be it simple or complex.
In all those cases, we follow the same approach. Just chant his mantras or switch words and reap their benefits without fail, by either getting a solution(s) to our problems or found a means to manage them.
Also, we have heard plenty of stories by going through Naran’s Blogs or from his books, say for example a senior citizen managing her life without others support by chanting the ‘Vallabham’ Mantra, a paralytic patient progresses well after chanting ‘Madavan Madavam’ and many more (those who don’t know about his mantras please check out for his blogs:
However, no one can say that have got a glimpse of all the mantras shared by Naran as each one of us has experienced only a few of them.
The reason is due to our little exposure to Naran’s mantras as well as due to his diligent research in finding new mantras to solve our old problems that haven’t been solved yet.
Fortunately, now the time has come for us, thanks to Divine Grace, to hear several of Naran’s Mantras in one session and chant them together to enhance their benefits – be it for wealth, love, harmony, job, marriage and getting rains.
Awesome technique to come out of unresolved issues
It’s the Best Day of My Life
Words from Karthikeyan – Coach, Mentor and Public Speaker…after attending the Past-Life Healing Workshop on 22nd August 2015, at Chennai by Naran S Balakumar
Complex Solutions can be Solved by Simple Solutions
Sudha Ambikadas
Today was an awesome experience attending the “Violet Flame Past Life DNA Re-programming – Naran workshop at Chennai”.
Such a complex matter explained in detail in the utmost simple way.
He beautifully put forth how to stop repeating patterns in one’s life with simple techniques.
Family patterns – how they affect your job, family life, money and any other aspects – how to break free of the pattern – so that you and the next generations should not suffer – an awesome technique to come out of unresolved issues.
Accidents, suicides, deaths, divorces, debts, cheating, and just about any pattern that has to be corrected.
This is something one needs to do on themselves before trying to work on others.
Genes can be altered using this tool.
Seemingly major issues solved with such ease.
Thank you Naran! I am now in total awe and admiration of you. You are indeed a Divine Master.
Also, so happy that the Divine has blessed us with the capacity to understand, thank you again.
I was all smiles at how Naran made great challenges zap into non-existence.
Am sure many would have benefited from today’s seminar, and look forward to catching up many more seminars to come.
Thank you Shobana for inspiring me to attend the workshop and thank you Naran for blessing us all and sharing this tool in the interest of Mankind!!
The efforts put in compiling the manual are incredible. Thank you!!!
Heartfelt thanks for yesterday’s workshop. Until yesterday we would probably put aside everything as Prarabdha karma thinking nothing is possible to change it.
However, today we have learnt a new dimension to approach our problems.
Mumbai workshop- April 5th and 6th
Two day Workshop By Naran S. Balakumar
Workshop Details:
Hotel Suba International
211, Chakala Sahar Road,
Andheri-East, Mumbai – 400 099
Dates & Time:
First Day: 5th April, 10 am to 4 pm
Second Day: 6th April, 10 am to 4 pm
(Lunch, Tea/Coffee and Snacks will be provided)
For Registration – Contact:
Ms. Varsha Patil – Mobile Number – 77388 54644 (Contact Timings – 10 am to 4 pm)
Dr.Nagalakshmi – Mobile Number – 8097506175 (Contact Timings – 4 pm to 8 pm)
Contact E-mail id –
Details of Workshop:
Day 1: Violet Flame Past Life DNA Re-programming:
Features of the DNA reprogramming
It is based on Quantum science.
A simple proven method to heal our past and present life.
When you heal your parents’ life you are healed too.
When you heal your life, your children also get healed.
Will make any one understand that all of us are repeating our lives and our parents’ lives only.
Do you know?
You can never create any future until you heal your past life(s)?
One can heal and transform the accidents/deaths in the family also?
That we repeat the life of our ancestors?
That our children also will be following our footsteps eventually – whether we like it or not?
What will I learn from the workshop?
With the simple techniques you will learn:
How to find the roots of these life situations and heal them – without any past life regression and external help.
How to heal your present by healing the past.
How to heal your children by healing your life.
How to open the core cell to “Re-program the DNA”.
Day 2: Abundance – Ways and Means Workshop:
To know…
Why praying to Lakshmi does not bring in money?
How to meet your expenses, even when you don’t have the source?
How to release the part of one which is bonded in debt?
How to change beliefs, become generous and be prosperous?
How combination of switch words and flowers and gemstones can help one for money flow?
How forgiveness can solve money problems?
How to use Kanji symbols to get money?
How to shift to happiness even when one is worried? – NLP based technique to bring back the state of abundance.
How did we get so lucky?
Vaibhavi Rve
My deepest gratitude from bottom of my heart to the Great Soul – most wonderful Person whom I have ever met in my life, with so much of love guiding all of us in Bangalore and answering with lot of patience to all of our queries.
How did we get so lucky?
Thanks a lot Dear Naran S Balakumar for the most precious teachings you shared with all of us…Thanks a lot for your blessings. I am feeling blessed.
Lots and lots of love to my dearest, nearest and sweetest Shobana Mam for such a great support…Miss you Mam.
This event would not have been possible without your support and guidance…lots and lots of love.
Thanks to my dear Bhanu Haripriya for such special moments we spent together…lots of love
Thanks a lot to all the wonderful lovely participants, who attended the workshop and helped us in making this event successful.
I am looking forward to organize more and more workshop in future with all your support.