Naran's Products

Energize Your Body

Mooladhara with Crown Activation CD and Balancing Root Chakra

I have used the pyramid frequency. Through sounds, I have combined Mooladhara (root/basic chakra) and Crown chakras.

Energy will then flow from Mooladhara to Crown chakra and then from Crown chakra to Mooladhara chakra.

  • This would stabilise you very well.
  • You will feel energised through-out the day.
  • If you are truly searching for a job, by working hard, then you will get it.
  • If you haven’t tried for a job, then you will start trying for it.
  • After getting fever, you will feel weak. This will remove that tiredness.
  • If you have a head ache, you will be grounded properly and so the head ache will vanish.

All-Time All-Purpose Healing CD

Tony was listening to the Bach Flower Meditation CD twice a day, after religiously trying out various healing techniques.

While he could solve his entire career and finance related issues through those techniques, yet for some reason he couldn’t find a solution for his marriage. Even though his parents put in their best of their efforts, they couldn’t find a bride for him.

He was suggested to listen to the Bach Flower Meditation CD twice a day – with or without head phone and with or without full concentration.

After listening to the CD for one month he found himself busy at work. Before that, he used to find very little motivation to work. He welcomed this change. He continued listening to the CD.

After listening to the CD for two more months, he found himself a bride, through one of his relatives.

How the Bach Flower Meditation CD has helped him? Rather when we should use the CD?

Tony listened to it when he couldn’t decide upon the healing technique that would suit him to fix his marriage.

Understand that every healing technique may not work at every time. You need to change to different techniques, as your mind and body changes every second.

As through the CD, you address to each of the 38 flowers to come and heal you, the flowers take over your case and provide you the necessary healing.

How long I need to listen to it?

It varies from situation to situation. In the case of Usha, who misplaced her car keys, while listening to the CD, she walked like a sleep-walker and picked the key from the place where she has left it originally.

She didn’t remember the place and neither was she prompted. She simply walked like a robot to the exact location.

In the case of a child who was mentally disturbed due to separation from his grant parents, it took a couple of days.

During pregnancy you need to listen during the whole period of pregnancy.

How shall I listen to the CD?

You can listen while walking (with head phones) or driving or in the meditation pose (with head phones).

Naran’s Tao Healing with Sword Fingers DVD

To heal self as well as others… it is on sale now. The contents of the DVD are:

  • The live video taken during the Tao Healing with Sword Fingers Workshop by Naran
  • You need not have attended the workshop nor do you need any personal guidance to do exercises demonstrated in the DVD. It is self-explanatory.
  • Instructions and demonstration were given by Naran himself. He shows how to use Tao Healing with Sword Fingers to heal self as well as others.
  • You can learn the healing steps by following the workshop in the DVD.
  • Along with that, a manual will be provided, which lists out the healing steps involved in the Tao Healing with Sword Fingers.

Love Thanks Divine

My ability to do things has increased

Mr. VN

I was listening to the Bach Flower CD yesterday night.

Today morning after I got up I could finish designing 15 web pages within one hour, which I thought will take a week or two.

I generally think, I am lazy and I do things slowly. I am amazed that I did 15 pages at stretch. I guess, it might be due to the CD.

This is the fourth time I am listening to the CD.

Inner Smile Brings an Outer Smile

From the introduction of Inner Smile CD

We normally ignore our organs. We always take the body for granted. The day when we send our love, our smile to the organs, they become our friends.

A friendly relationship with our organs is a must to maintain our harmony outside. If there is conflict or disharmony in others, become silent and send your love to your organs.

A weekly listening of the CD will establish harmony in every aspect of our life.

Her boss was rude about her report

Anjali’s boss was not a typical boss. However, for some reason he couldn’t accept the annual report she prepared for the board of directors.

He was critical of her report by all means, even though she felt she had done a great job.

Anjali approached me to find a solution to her problem, as she felt she can’t make any more improvement.

From my work with her, I knew she didn’t give due care to her body. So I didn’t prescribe her any remedies.

I just asked her to listen to the CD for twice a day, for a week and then on a regular basis for once a week.

She listened to it, as per my instructions.

After a couple of days, her boss approached her and told her that he was over-cautious as the report is for the board of directors. He apologized for his over-reaction and suggested that it would be enough if only a couple of minor changes are made to the report.

Anjali made the changes, which she felt was quite acceptable and easy to make.

Moral of the story

When you show love to your body, others will show love to you and your work.

Tie your problems and throw them away

Ms. M

Dear Naran,

I take this opportunity to tell you my case history after listening to cutting the psychic ties CD.

Since few days I am listening to the CD before going to sleep. The following changes happened to me:

– Before listening to psychic cut CD, I felt very tired and lethargic.

I went to Mysore to attend one pooja at my in-laws house.  After coming back from there to Chennai, I felt tired and could not concentrate on anything. I felt a lot of negative things influencing me.

After listening to this CD, I am gaining energy and I am not feeling tired both at home and office.

– My daughter wanted to come to Chennai and asked me to take her from Mysore but my mother in-law does not want to come early.  My husband was kind enough to bring my daughter and convinced his mother and we all came to Chennai last week with my daughter and MIL.

Now I made it a practice that I should regularly listen to this psychic cut CD to protect myself.

Thank you Naran! Things happen automatically after listening to our CDs.  This is my personal experience.

As I listen to your CDs, I do not think anything or command that this should happen and that should happen etc.  It automatically happens rightly.



She is the one person who always blames others. That’s why when she cuts the ties, she feels energized.

In a way, all of us blame others most of the time, without realizing that we are responsible for our own actions.

I want to grow spiritually


I have been listening to the CD’s and also chanting “SWEET CHESTNUT, ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD, FIND COUNT NOW DIVINE”.

The person who has to give money to my husband now says that he would able to give in the 1st week of April.

Thank you very much for the divine guidance. I continue to chant the same.

Can I buy the “CHAKRA ACTIVATION” CD now or how can I progress spiritually.



However, to progress spiritually listen to ‘I LOVE MYSELF’ and ‘SOUL LOVE’ CDs daily over headphone.

Enjoy the Feel-Good Factor


I didn’t sleep well last night. So I felt bit drowsy and sick.

I was feeling bad that I was not alright. So first thing I did was to listen to the “I Love Myself” CD, which I was doing for the past one week. I thought it will do the trick.

In fact, it did to an extent. After listening to the second part of the CD (first part you listen once in a way) for 30 minutes, I felt little better and wanted to go out.

So went back home, which is a 10 minutes drive from office. Had a shave, which I skip whenever I don’t feel alright.

I realized that I need to listen to the Chakra Balancing CD too, which balances, normalizes and activates all chakras. Naran used to say that whenever we fall sick, in general, our chakras go for a toss.

Therefore, I came back to office and while working I listened to that CD (you are supposed to be stationary, while listening to this CD).

In thirty minutes I was alright, perfectly normal, with no signs that I was sick.

Stress – a Pain in the Neck


Whenever I am overwhelmed with work and stressful, immediately I get a neck pain. In those times, I curse myself, why can’t I take life easily, as I am a typically a workaholic.

I tried the ‘Pain Management’ CD as my wife forced me to listen to it.

I heard Bija mantras getting played continuously, though with a different accent. I wasn’t sure, yet I had no excuse not to listen to it as we were waiting for the train to Mysore.

Within 25 minutes of listening, my pain was gone, even though the CD went on for ten more minutes or so.

I was not sure, whether this is due to the CD. However one thing I have to admit here, whenever I get a neck pain, it remains for a day or two.

After a week, I got the pain once again, while returning back from Mysore. This time, I was the CD works, as the pain went off, while listening to the CD.

Please don’t ask me how long it took, as I slept off, while listening to the CD J

Thanks Naran and more than that thanks to Sudha, my wife, who forced me to listen to the Pain Management CD.

I am Tired of My “Tiredness”


One can take sick leave for falling sick. Can somebody take leave for feeling tired? This is what was happening to me for last 10 years.

I get cold every time I travel to places outside Bangalore. Last one year, my recovery is faster, after I started taking the Gem Remedies Perl and Ruby.

Starting from last one month, I have started taking them on a regular basis, to put a permanent check to my health issues.

I had been advised by Naran to continue these remedies for next four months. In this regard, I already notice a significant difference.

However, one thing I couldn’t solve was the tiredness I feel, after I recover from my cold, for that matter any disease. In general, I would feel tired for at least 3 to 4 days.

The interesting thing is, while I can go to office when I have cold, I found it very difficult to attend to my office duties during this period.

Last month, when I had cold, I was asked by Balakumar, to listen to the Stabilising Mooladhara Chakra CD.

On the first day of listening, I felt relived by 50%.

On the next day, my tiredness was gone – I mean within 24 hours of listening.

Now I know, next time when I get afflicted by any disease, I am going to listen to the CD from day one, as I am sure then I don’t have to take leave even for a single day because I am feeling tired.

How can one explain to their manager the reason for taking leave is “Tiredness”?

One more thing I wanted to mention here.

There will be some (Positive) side-effect(s), a person might face if they follow Naran’s methods. I felt one side effect too.

After listening to the CD, I started taking efforts to repair my house, which was the need of the hour, after 20 years of stay in the house.


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