
Fulfil your intentions


All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki.

Reiki works as per our intention. As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Some of our intentions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.


It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say, we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X minus 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled.

How to increase their energy level?

Give Reiki to those intentions. This will boost the energy level of them. For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki.

Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

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You have to start from scratch again after a failure – “Yesterday I had money, but not today”. 

Draw the Karuna Reiki Rama symbol over a glass of water several times and drink it.

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What you said is true… that inanimate objects also have some energies and feelings. I experienced it twice at least, which I observed.

My washing machine is huge, turbo sized, so I thought I can put heavy loads. One day, I over stuffed it knowing it is heavy load. It stopped in between giving process error. I tried moving things around still it said it is unbalanced.

So, I was talking to it, rubbing my hand and said “I am sorry. I overstuffed. I am giving you Reiki now. Please wash it this time. I will not give heavy load again”.

I turned it on again and it finished the full cycle without any problem 🙂

Recently being human, I forgot and overstuffed it again but it was not very heavy load. It did not run for more than 2 minutes. No matter what I did. I tried to drain it and spin so clothes do not get spoilt overnight. It did not work.

It was so adamant. It kept giving process error and did not budge. I told it “I am so sorry, it is my mistake. I will give you Reiki, and can you please just rinse and take out water… no need to wash also. Just drain the water, spin it and give to me, I will wash as two cycles again tomorrow. Can you do that for me?”

Then I turned it on again at rinse. It worked!! It drained and spin without any noise and issues.

I am now careful not make it upset 🙂 

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About Reiki

What is Reiki ?

Reiki – Universal energy and Universal Love. Energy is everywhere.

Create – Sustain – Destruct is the universal law.

Life force (Prana) decreases with age due to emotions and other factors – thoughts.
When there is a problem, it means that life force there is less. That is, Reiki is less in that area.
We are all born with Reiki. Reiki is active until we are 10 years old. Then due to contamination and obstacles, Reiki becomes dull and weak. Initiation will revive this Reiki.

What can we do with Reiki?

  • Restore health
  • Good relationships
  • All wishes fulfilled if they are in tune with divine order
  • All desires fulfilled if they are in tune with divine order

Reiki is done in broadly two steps

  • Cleansing and Clearing – 1st step
  • Energizing and filling  with pure own energy – 2nd Step

Reiki is working with symbols. Draw symbols for cleansing and energization.
After initiation, subconsciously others will know we are Reiki channel. We need to be mature.
When we have a problem, we just have to draw the symbols and do nothing else. The problem is solved automatically. That’s the beauty of Reiki.
We write an intention and draw symbols over it. Reiki will make you act in a manner that is suitable for the situation. You will be taking right actions required to achieve your goal.

Giving Reiki
Give Reiki to your body every day. Giving Reiki means giving Reiki to a place there is less energy. Give Reiki to whatever situation that warrants energy, healing others problems and so on.

There is a procedure to be followed in Reiki.

  • Even though you are a Reiki channel now and always connected with Reiki, you need to connect to Reiki every day once.
  • Why there is a lack of energy, because some garbage is there. In the same way, cleansing is the first step of Reiki. It is like cleansing the Pooja room.
  • Energizing is the next step.

This is the sequence of Reiki. Follow the sequence while drawing the symbols.
If you look at creations, everything is universal energy. When intention and desires are not happening they need sufficient energy, as they are also universal energy.
If you say you are not able to construct the house, it means you need to give sufficient energy to that intention. Reiki will fulfill 100% of all intentions. So, energize your intentions without worrying in the evening why it is not happening yet.

Lesson of Reiki 
Message from Reiki is “Always live with love and thanks’. When we say thanks to the person, who did something good for us, they in turn will express love to you. Therefore, ‘Love, Thanks and Reiki’ is the lesson for us today.

Naran offers Reiki Levels 1 and 2 workshops. Please contact the center for class schedule.

Disclaimer : Reiki is a self-healing meditative yogic practice of japan, like our Ashtanga yoga, Pranayama, and Mudras. Either Reiki or NARAN does not claim to treat any physical disease. Nor is it a replacement for any Medical treatment. Any alternate healing , namely Reiki, Bach flowers, switch words, mantras, Mudras, enhances one’s mental will power to cope with life problems. Naran does not heal; he only teaches.

Joy can never be described in words

Give Reiki to all the houses you have lived in.


We used to visit our grandparents house from the maternal side during all summer holidays and at least once in between the annual visits. Those days are over.

That house has given us lot of joy and celebration, a great home to stay with no concerns whatsoever and multiple socializing activities. How will the house feel now? You say that every house has a soul. What that soul will feel now? Very sad and rejected, I suppose.

So I started sending Reiki to it as an attitude of gratitude. While doing so, a thought crossed my mind – what about the current house we are living in? It’s a new house, which was built over the old house.  If every house has a soul, then the old one had a soul too. How much it would have felt hurt, when it was destroyed?

So, I started drawing the Zonar symbol few times. I sensed that the soul of the old house is happy and thankful. Then I did Sei he Ki few times. When I started doing Rama symbol, I felt that I was in the middle of a great party that I had never attended such a great one in my life.

That joy can never be described in words.


This exercise will strengthen one’s Basic or Root chakra, which stands for stability and safety. Everybody needs a food, clothes and shelter and what else. Even if you have good food – which you take to satisfy your hunger, you need to come back to your place of shelter.


The very next day after doing the exercise, I got a huge profit in share business. I think it is a sign of the stability you are talking about. I will continue to do this exercise.

Sending Reiki to your house will stabilize our lives.

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Reiki Symbols

(From the book True Spirit of Reiki by Naran S Balakumar)

There are totally six symbols.

Drawing Symbols

The symbols get the life, when you draw the symbol and chant the name of symbols thrice. When you utter the mantra thrice the symbol gets activated.

For practice we are drawing the symbol in the note-book afterwards we have to draw the symbol in the air.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

First symbol is called HON SHA ZE SHO NEN.

The first symbol is not a symbol but it is a Japanese script. The meaning of the symbol is – “I am in the right direction, and I am silent”. What is right direction? When you are silent you will be in the right direction. I am in right direction, and silent to know my true nature, which is shining like a light. That light is divine.

In other words the whole script says that you are Atman. The Atman is healing and not the mind. That means you should be detached from the healing. When you say Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, you are outside the body and you are just witnessing what is happening.

In that manner, it is the connecting symbol for your own Atman. The Atman only can give light and not our mind because our mind is always in darkness. It is Atman which provides the light to the mind. I am in the right direction means, “I am the Atman who is doing the healing”.


What is work of this symbol? It helps to remove the congestion. Whatever be the problem area, we have to first cleanse and clear the congestion. Zonar does that work.

Sei He Ki

Once the congestion is released, where will it go? It has to find some place. The congestion moves from one place to another. So Sei He Ki makes the congestion into powder and sends them into the space. The congestion energy is dissipated into the space.

The Zonar removes the congestion and Sei He Ki sends it back to the universe for reprocessing.


What does it do? The organ or the problem, after the congestion is removed is weak, because of not receiving energy. This symbol gives strength to the organ or body.


Next is Shanti. This symbol gives Reiki to the organ or body. Shanti is the energizing symbol and working through pink color. That is love and Reiki is nothing but love. That means the divine love is given by Shanti.

Cho Ku Rei

After giving the divine love you have to realign the organ or system to the divine flow and create harmony. That is taken care of by another symbol called Cho Ku Rei. The harmony is restored by Cho Ku Rei.

Well-being of everybody concerned

Giving Reiki to somebody means giving them energy. Wherever the energy is less, give Reiki.

Give Reiki daily to your Family photograph.

Give Reiki to drinking water and make others drink it. It’s very effective.

When we give Reiki to children they learn to live with Reiki.

When you fight with somebody give Reiki to them as they are indirectly asking for it.

Send it to the people around you as all of them are our projections.

Tension Reliever


When emotions are overwhelming, we don’t know that thoughts are behind any emotion. What’s the thought behind the tension? It’s difficult to say because we do not observe the mind.

The traditional Reiki Symbol Sei He Ki will remove unwanted and unrequired thoughts, which trigger the emotions.

By drawing the Karuna Reiki Symbol Shanthi, pink color energy will be generated. What’s the advantage? It aids relaxation.

Implicated in a false case


My father has been implicated in a false court case.

I have learnt Reiki. How can I help him?


  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Write his name and case no. etc., followed by the names of the Bach Flower Remedies ROCK WATER and PINE.
  3. Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”
  4. Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen  and say, “From the root”
  5. Draw Cho Ku Rei and say, “Heal, Replace justice”.
  6. Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.
  7. After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chant, “Quite Mind, Open Heart, Relax”


Rock Water will help you to find justice and Pine will help him to prove his innocence and make him free from being accused.

Describe the problem or write the problem details on a piece of paper and then give Reiki to it. This is one of easy methods to solve a problem.

Additionally, we have written the names of the remedies relevant for the situation to improve upon the results.

Positions of Energy

Major Reiki Positions

There are 18 positions in our body, through which we can tap energy.

However, if you have a lot of money but do not spend it, then the money is useless. In the same way, if you don’t tap the energy in you, it’s as good as being poor.

Giving Reiki in those positions

By giving Reiki in these 18 positions, Reiki will remove all unwanted stuff from our lives.

We don’t have to worry, which position removes which unwanted stuff. Just work in all these positions. Reiki will take care of the rest.

Chakras Vs Reiki Positions

These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras.

Therefore, by working on these positions, you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us. Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras.

Hands-on Reiki Positions

If you are keeping your hands on Reiki positions then do the following, after drawing the relevant Reiki Symbols:

  • In each position, spend at least three minutes. You could use an alarm with a snooze facility. If you don’t want to do that, to manage duration of giving Reiki in each position,you may say the affirmations certain no of times (say for example, eleven times in each position).
  • Finally to take care of back positions, which is hard for some people to place their hands on back positions, do the Hanuman posture (joining the hands and two soles of the feet) for a few minutes after drawing the symbols. This is very good to energize yourself after a long strenuous day.

Reiki Sessions

It takes about 45 minutes to give Reiki to all positions.

If you can’t get 45 minutes at a stretch, then split your session into three 15-minutes sessions – first session in the morning, second session during the day and then the last one before going to sleep.

We may fall asleep while doing the third session though. However, it doesn’t matter.

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