
Celebrate your life with joy and enthusiasm!!!


With the help of Bach Flower Remedy WILD ROSE!

Case History

Thilakesh told me that his father would never go to office in the morning on time.

I have never met his father before. Therefore, based on what Thilakesh said, I thought his father has a starting trouble. So, I gave his father Hornbeam.

After 15 days, Thilakesh did not find any changes in his father. Therefore, I asked him to describe his father’s daily activities.

According to Thilakesh, his father does everything without any thinking. During the day, he does not know what he will be doing. He simply goes through the motions. He is not interested in movies, and eatables.

When he meets anybody, he will not enquire anything about him or her. In the drawing-room, he will simply sit quite.  He eats food without enjoying the taste of it and so on.

For the last three Deepavali celebrations, he is not wearing any new clothes and he has ducked the new clothes bought safely in the shelf.

I gave him Wild Rose and within one day he started showing significant progress.