
Chakra Balancing – Benefits and Instructions

Benefits of Doing Chakra Balancing

Daily use of balancing the Chakras will clear all the Unwanted Emotions and Thoughts.  This will help you to start leading a Life of Love dictated by Divinity, which is the Unconditional Love flowing from the Heart Chakra.

Position One:

Second Position:

Third Position:

Fourth Position:

Chakra Positions

  1. One hand above eye brows and another on the bottom of the back: third-eye chakra and root chakra
  2. One hand on the throat and another one below the navel: throat chakra and Hara chakra
  3. One hand on the chest and another one below ribs and above the navel: heart chakra and solar plexus chakra
  4. Corresponding fingers of both the hands touching each other on the chest: heart chakra

One to three minutes in each position and spend equal time in each position.

Chant the following affirmations in each position:

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