
Chronic Health and Financial Issues


Is there a Mudra for cleansing the basic chakra?


Keep the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. This is the LETTING GO Mudra. Keep for 10 minutes. It increases oxygen level.

Then be in SAFE and SECURE Mudra (ring and little fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands) for 10 minutes. This Mudra is also called as Prana Mudra.


If there are chronic health and financial problems will it be beneficial to do both the Mudras and chant the Bija mantras (OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA OM RUM NAMAHA OM YUM NAMAHA OM HUM NAMAHA)? If so, what should the duration for the Mudras be?


You can chant the mantras while doing the Mudras. 15 minutes per Mudra will be ok.


When you fall sick, one or more of the chakras will get affected.

Chanting of Bija Mantras cleanses, energizes and balances all chakras – which are the energy centers for our physical, mental and Pranic bodies.

We will get a good mood, by chanting the Bija mantras. When we chant Bija mantras, we will feel energized and uplifted. It also drives away cancer.

Decrease in oxygen level is the reason for all health-related issues. Letting Go Mudra fixes this problem.

Safe and Secure Mudra will bring in financial stability in your life.
