Situation |
Flowers Combination |
Socialising issues
Example – Some children prefer not to mix with childlren of their age. |
Mimulus Larch and Walnut
Negotiation Pack | Walnut Beech and Chestnutbud |
Laziness | Hornbeam, Scelanthus and Wildrose |
Study Pack | Walnut oak Hornbeam,Cerato
Scleranthus Chestnubud Clematis *Pack 1 is to be given in the morning. 2 doses of 4 pills |
Pack for Quiz program | Scleanthus Chestnutbud Larch |
Exam pack | Impatiens, Larch, Rockrose, Scleanthus and Chestnutbud |
Time Management | Scleranthus, Hornbeam and Elm |
To be assertive | Centaury, Pine, Rockwater, Walnut |
To keep children away from TV | Scleranthus, Wildrose, Walnut, Chestnutbud |
Sibling rivalry | Holly, Vine, Chicory and Walnut |
Itching Pack | Agrimony, Beech, Cherryplum, Crab Apple and Whitechestnut |
Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis | Crab Apple, Walnut, Agrimony |
Confusion | Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Gentian, Larch |
Indecision | Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Larch, Gentian |
Fear of future | Rock Rose, Rock Water, Mimulus, Gentian and Larch |
Fear of diagnostic investigation, doctor | Mimulus |
Shyness | Mimulus, Larch, Pine and Walnut |
Phobia | Whitechestnut, Honeysuckle, Pine, Agrimony,Crab apple |
Worry | Gentian Larch, willow.Hornbeam,Walnut |
Poor Memory | Scleranthus, Chestnutbud, Clematis, Honeysuckle and Walnut |
Forgetfulness | Chestnutbud, Scleranthus, Clematis and Walnut |
Sadness | Gentian, Willow and Wild Rose |
Lack of Ambition | Gorse, Wild Rose, Wild Oat and Walnut |
Lack of internal motive and drive | Clematis, Wildrose, Hornbeam and Walnut |