
Flowers Combination

Socialising issues

Example – Some children prefer not to mix with childlren of their age.

Mimulus Larch and Walnut


 Negotiation Pack  Walnut Beech and Chestnutbud
 Laziness  Hornbeam, Scelanthus and Wildrose
 Study Pack Walnut oak Hornbeam,Cerato

Scleranthus Chestnubud Clematis

*Pack 1 is to be given in the morning. 2 doses of 4 pills

 Pack for Quiz program  Scleanthus Chestnutbud Larch
 Exam pack  Impatiens, Larch, Rockrose, Scleanthus and Chestnutbud
 Time Management  Scleranthus, Hornbeam and Elm
To be assertive  Centaury, Pine, Rockwater, Walnut
 To keep children away from TV  Scleranthus, Wildrose, Walnut, Chestnutbud
 Sibling rivalry  Holly, Vine, Chicory and Walnut
Itching Pack  Agrimony, Beech, Cherryplum, Crab Apple and Whitechestnut
 Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis  Crab Apple, Walnut, Agrimony
Confusion  Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Gentian, Larch
Indecision  Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Larch, Gentian
 Fear of future  Rock Rose, Rock Water, Mimulus, Gentian and Larch
 Fear of diagnostic investigation, doctor  Mimulus
Shyness  Mimulus, Larch, Pine and Walnut
 Phobia Whitechestnut, Honeysuckle, Pine, Agrimony,Crab apple
 Worry  Gentian Larch, willow.Hornbeam,Walnut
 Poor Memory  Scleranthus, Chestnutbud, Clematis, Honeysuckle and Walnut
 Forgetfulness  Chestnutbud, Scleranthus, Clematis and Walnut
 Sadness  Gentian, Willow and Wild Rose
 Lack of Ambition  Gorse, Wild Rose, Wild Oat and Walnut
 Lack of internal motive and drive  Clematis, Wildrose, Hornbeam and Walnut