
Create Good Fortune and Luck


Preparation Steps

Think what fortune means for you.

Let us first find out the meaning of fortune. Now close your eyes and give a command to your mind like, “What is color of fortune?”

Whichever color strikes your mind then that is the color of your fortune.

Now draw a circle in a paper. Color it with whatever color you have found out to be your color of fortune.

Paste that paper on the wall in line with your eyes.

Mentally visualize the following steps

  1. Your Hara Centre (chakra) creates all your luck, fortune etc. Visualize a tube of your fortune color from your Hara Centre and touching the paper pasted on the wall.
  2. From the paper, the same color tube extends itself to touch your Heart Centre.
  3. From the Heart Centre to the Hara Centre another tube is present.
  4. By this you are forming a triangle.
  5. Meditate on this triangle for some time.

If you do this regularly, you will get good fortune and luck. Whatever luck comes from the Divine, let it come.

Affirm regularly, “Divine Love Creates Good Fortune” – from ‘I Love Myself’ CD

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Debts, many thanks to you:
