
Delta Yogic Meditation

Delta Meditation Series CDs
Achieve in 300 days what monks achieved in 30 years of meditation with 1 hour DELTA Brain-Wave Series Meditation CDs and MP3s of NARAN.
There are seven levels. Each level contains a set of 7 CDs. Thus, there are 7 sets of CDs and 49 CDs in total. Each set will cost you rupees 1200/-.
You will be listening to one CD per week.
What is Delta Brain Wave Meditation?
Delta brain wave is the most relaxing ABSOLUTE CALM brain wave produced by our brains during deep sleep.
When we sleep deeply we touch the ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS, during which time, the DELTA waves are noticed in the parts of the Brain.
Thanks to the Brain-Wave Series of Meditation, these delta waves are induced, when you start listening to the DELTA YOGIC MEDITATION SERIES.
During the one-hour you sit in meditation, with the delta tones on, you need not concentrate as the wandering mind does not spoil the benefits of the meditation.
Just sink in.
Benefits of listening to the delta tones
• Anti-aging Hormones – melatonin, DEHA – are released
• With the reduction of CORTISOL, stress on the body and mind is relieved
• Anti-stress increases the flow of oxygen to the cells
• Mentally, the Delta waves increase one’s state of EMPATHY – Love and compassion for others develop and one becomes considerate of others’ needs
• Extreme levels of happiness can be experienced as experienced by the meditating monks.
• The Delta brain waves Repair Rejuvenate, Restore and Heal the Physical Body
• The Divine Consciousness at the deepest level is open to get a New Higher Understanding of Life
• A subtle connection with the Universal Life Energy may be felt
Note: Delta frequency will start from 3.5Hz and end with 0.3Hz.
Naran CDs present the ear with alternating frequencies to stimulate and activate the brain. While this treatment has had a wide variety of benefits for various individuals, we do not guarantee any particular result.
When you undertake to listen to DELTA YOGIC MEDITATION CDs, do it with this understanding, as each nervous system is unique and will respond differently to the program.
However, it is highly likely that if you persist with the program you will experience benefits. Though, we cannot predict nor guarantee what those benefits will be.
Read the instructions carefully before starting to listen to DELTA YOGIC MEDITATION CDs.
For medical advice or if symptoms persist, please see your doctor or health professional.
CDs with headphones should not be heard by people suffering from epileptic seizures and nervous disorders. Neither CD should not be listened while driving, working or standing.
Good Luck with DELTA YOGIC MEDITATION CDs from Naran S Balakumar!!!