
Easy Words to Healing


Can you share me a simple way to do this Reiki Past-Life Healing? My memory fails me everytime I try to remember my past related to my present problems.


  1. List out the problem you are facing now in a piece of paper.
  2. Now, say the problem in one line.


“People use me”


Your releasing statement would be, “Reiki! I release all my past memories, where I had the feeling, ‘I am used by people’ and put them inside the silver triangle”.

Reiki knows how to bring those memories, with or without your awareness. All those memories will be healed.

Your father would have had the same belief.

Bring them into the Silver triangle too, by forming a statement, ““Reiki! I release all my father’s past memories, where he had the feeling, ‘I am used by people’ and put them inside the silver triangle”.

Do the same for your mother, grand-parents and for your past three lifetimes.