
Expectation to get appreciated


How to not get hurt when not appreciated or praised for our hard work?

At work, home, everywhere, mystically my hard work over a project goes unnoticed and sometimes the whole praise goes to someone else!

Actually, appearance and outward behaviour makes people (even my own family members) think I am very forward, but I am very timid and shy from inside.

I face a lot of unnecessary jealousy also and do not get my well-deserved dues sometimes.

Recently, my work was partially presented by my company on an international forum and it won an award in SE Asia.

They had even made flyers out of it and I was not even told about it, let alone am appreciated for it! I felt extremely hurt and used.

What should I do to get my dues that I deserve? Or should I let go and forget about it? Should I take the Bach Flower Remedy Oak?

Naran S Balakumar

Expectation to get appreciation leads to disappointment.

When you do the work, pray, ‘I do this for the divine lord. Divine! My work is offered to you’.

Chant “Samo Bhoothva Kuru Karmani“, while doing the work.

After finishing the work thank the divine for the helping hand.

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