
Flowers – The Divine Physicians

Dr Meenakshi Jagadisan

My mother is 90 years old and she was admitted to the hospital. She is a known heart patient and has been on regular medication. She was admitted to the hospital for giddiness. Profuse sweating and she was drowsy. On admission all her investigations were near normal and the diagnosis could not be established as to the exact cause of her drowsiness.

At that point in time I rang up Balakumar and he advised me to chant, “WHITE CHESTNUT, SWEET CHESTNUT” and to visualize the energy going from the Basic Chakra to Crown Chakra and Vice Versa. And also to accept whatever is the Divine will as we do not know what will be the outcome.

Only 2 days before my mother had celebrated her 90th birthday and this hospitalization made everybody sad.

I started chanting as per his advice with visualisation of the energy flow in my mother for a few hours though intermittently from morning and by late evening my mother regained consciousness and could respond.

Balakumar always says that the Divine is always by our side ever ready to come to our rescue that we forget to seek/ ask for help.

I thank the Divine Bach Flowers White Chestnut and Sweet Chestnut and Naran for his valuable guidance and timely advice.

I wish and pray that more and more people benefit from Mr. Balakumar’ advice and treatment. Even though I am a practicing allopathic doctor, I had always felt that Balakumar is a Divine Physician – medicines at Zero cost and 100% effective with no side effects.

May mankind and more and more people benefit from him.

With my humble Pranams


Why White Chestnut? When diagnostic investigations are near normal and the diagnosis could not be established as to the exact cause of her drowsiness, White chestnut is the remedy for this condition. “Clinically normal but symptoms persist” is White chestnut.

Though for her concern for the mother, she has to be prescribed RED CHESTNUT; White chestnut was given instead, because in her over anxiety, mentally she had become “that person -her mother”.

Of course, Sweet chestnut was given for divine intervention.
