
Inspired from your writings, me and my wife used to do forgiveness – to forgive and be forgiven once a day 3 times in a row, the wording of which includes our ancestors who are no more on this earth plane, and to all known / unknown to whom knowingly or unknowingly we did some wrong or they had done to us.

Since two days, I have dreamed of my sister, who passed away 15 years back and my maternal grandmother when I was a kid.

What that indicates? Do they have some wishes left to be fulfilled? I wish to help them if the matter is so. What can I do? It means they have not taken birth again due to whatever the reason?


  • Visualize a Silver Equilateral Triangle in front of you.
  • Just think about them, and command within, “I Release all the memories of their unfulfilled desires, all their unfulfilled expectations into this Triangle”.
  • Call Sun god, “Sun god! Fill up this triangle. Transform all the unaligned incomplete energy frequencies into Light and Love.”
  • Say, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light” for 3 minutes.
  • When you are chanting the above, visualize the triangle turning into Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Yellow and Green (one after another).
  • Visualize the Green Triangle coming into your heart centre and becoming a Star of David.
  • From there, visualize green filling up the entire body.
  • While visualizing chant, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light”

FYI the above mentioned technique is part of Reiki Past Life healing.