
Fulfil your intentions


All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki.

Reiki works as per our intention. As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Some of our intentions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.


It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say, we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X minus 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled.

How to increase their energy level?

Give Reiki to those intentions. This will boost the energy level of them. For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki.

Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

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