
God Appeared To Me

God Appeared To Me In The Form Of My Neighbours

Ramani lives in Avadi. She is a poor and a homemaker. She called me one day and said that somebody mentioned about me.

I asked her to visit me. She told me that she does not have money to travel or buy the pills I prescribe. Therefore, I asked her to chant the Bach Flower Remedies I prescribe. On and off she used to phone up to me and I will prescribe the remedies as per her expression.

When need is greatest, help is nearest

After six years of marriage, she became pregnant. She used to call me during pregnancy andchanted the flower remedies suggested by me. She called me just the day before she was expecting her first baby. She mentioned that there is nobody to help her nor can she afford to admit herself in a good hospital. In addition, her husband is busy working and so he will not be able to assist her either.

When need is greatest, help is nearest. Therefore, I prescribed her Bach Flower Remedy Sweet Chestnut. She chanted Sweet Chestnut. Soon after, four of her neighbours volunteered to help her. They admitted her in a hospital (CWC) and paid money for the delivery as well. She had a safe delivery.

Interestingly she’s yet to see me

Now she is calling me to handle the problems faced by her child. Interestingly, she had not met me yet. She is not taking the remedies either, but does chanting of flowers only.

Who connected her and me? Do I owe her anything? On the other hand, does she have any connections with me in anyway? Divinity has done it. Divinity is always with us, watches us and it controls everything. Nothing happens without a reason. If you can identify the reason, then healing happens for you. There is a temple in every street, for us to connect with divinity. When you are facing a problem, connect with divinity to solve it.
