Handful of messages from our body
Naran S Balakumar
Right shoulder pain
All long he was lazy. He has to fulfill the duties in full. He will avoid interviews if there is any problem attending the interview. He will give an excuse, “I have to attend my friend’s marriage”.
Which is priority number one in your life? It is responsibility. So you need to be responsible is the message from this pain.
Left hand fingers, especially middle
Stop criticizing, condemning, blaming others; have Intolerance. For some, they will get pain in the right hand fingers.
Left hand
Body is giving and receiving through hands. When you get pain in them, don’t think in terms of right or wrong. Think it as a message from your body.
If you are angry, when you need love, nobody will love you. Left hand side pain indicates you will not receive love.
Right hand
Right hand side pain indicates:
- That what you have is more and therefore, give more.
- If you have pain on top of the hand, then take the Bach Flower remedy CENTAURY.
- Give now is the message from right hand. Otherwise, when you are ready to give to a person, then they may not be available to receive it from you.
- Have an attitude of gratitude as it is missing from you.
- Understand and grasp the subject on hand. The person who works more knows less. They will have pain in the right hand.
Right ankle
You have taken a decision. Now, reverse the decision is the message from the body.