
Have a golden heart to forgive


I just want to thank you for the wonderful guidance and share my recent experience.

Years ago, there was a misunderstanding between my son and my younger sister’s daughter due to some silly reason. They were not communicating with each other. Both are in USA.

However, we – my sister and I, do not talk about it and get along, yet it was there inside us.

Suddenly, one day my sister opened the Pandora box and talked in favor of her daughter and in turn, I did support my son.

Nevertheless, I felt after attending your classes that I should not behave like this or brood over this. Therefore, I started forgiveness exercise sincerely.

In addition, I did the silver triangle past-life healing. There, I tried to probe whether a similar thing occurred on my mother’s side.

Though, not the same but my dad had problems with my mom’s elder sister’s son. I put that, with all the emotions of theirs and mine and did the meditation.

Today, my son rang up and said that he received a phone call from my sister’s daughter. She asked for forgiveness and all is well.

Of course, the girl had a golden heart to do this at a young age.

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