
Heal your relationships through gem remedies

Communication, mediation and reconciliation

When you want to make reconciliation with somebody and to re-establish a relationship: Emerald

If you haven’t received any communication from somebody (say for example after betrothal no communication for two days)

Emerald: it will establish communication

Love pangs

Chicory, Coral

Immoral behavior

If there is immoral behaviour or infatuation is in a person, then it means salt content is more.

“Nsatrum.Mur” 1 cm every week once, will remove infatuation. Even the gem remedy Coral can remove it.


You might say, “I find there is a mismatch in their relationship”. Why the other person is unduly influenced by their lover.

If you give the Bach Flower Remedy Walnut, it will break the relationship, if it is unwanted. It is a link breaker.

In moment of his weakness, he would have accepted the love offer. If the girl is not good, give Walnut to the boy, he will come out of it.

Also, add the gem remedy Coral to Walnut. If it is infatuation, both of them will come out of the relationship. They would have been thinking it is true love.

If it’s not required, they will break out of it. If they are destined to marry, then it will happen as one has to undergo certain experiences. We can’t do anything about it.

Thus, for infatuation gem remedy Coral and Bach Flower Walnut will do the necessary healing.

Attract loving people

To attract only loving people: Holly, (gem remedy) Kunzite. Kunzite will open up the Heart chakra. Keyword for Kunzite is compassion. It’s a very costly stone somewhere between 5 to 10 thousand rupees.

In addition, it is very difficult to get the right stone and it is rarely available in USA. But this is available as pills in the Bach Flower Study Centre, Chennai.

Relationships: improve, combine and form

Emerald: to form a relationship, it is the remedy. To solidify the relationship, Diamond is required.

That’s why in Indian culture, Diamond is given importance. It builds the relationship and strengthens it.

For girls who are not married yet

Coral and Emerald

For guys who are not married yet

Diamond and Emerald