
Healing Cold and Jammed Fingers through Reiki and Flowers

Mangala Ayre

Our grandson is 4 years old. He developed a cold last Sunday, while we were at Disney land. I just began chanting the names of the Bach Flower Remedies, “Crab Apple Walnut Hornbeam White Chestnut Beech”. He didn’t know, I was doing this for him.

On the way back in the car, he was seated next to me. He just asked me if I could put my hand on his forehead and chant the names of the flowers, like I used to do when he was a baby. I decided to do Reiki too.

As I put the symbol on his forehead he asked, “Ammama, are you drawing Mr Sun on my forehead?” I told him I was doing REIKI. He said, “I know that you are calling Mr Sun to heal me, aren’t you?” I was so amazed at the child’s intuitive understanding of REIKI. He had no previous exposure to it. As Naran says, “Children and animals respond naturally to healing”.

Now whenever he feels uneasy he comes running and says, “Please do REIKI”. I like it!

His plant outside was not growing as fast as he wanted. Therefore, he asked me to do Reiki for his plant! He has also asked me to do REIKI for the poor children who lost their homes and toys in the Earthquake, by saying, “They will feel better Ammama. I will send them my toys and you send them REIKI.”

There is so much to learn from little children.

Reiki and Rescue Remedy for Jammed Fingers

This morning he ran into the garage and the door shut on his fingers, which got jammed in the door. He screamed. I went and immediately applied Bach Flower Remedy Rescue Remedy, Walnut, (I had with me), and then chanted Star of Bethlehem, Mimulus and Crab Apple.

We applied cold pack. Then he stopped crying and asked me, “Where is the REIKI? Please do that!”

Now he is sleeping with no signs of the morning’s injury. The fingers are fine. Thanks to the flowers and Reiki.
