
Help at the Airport

Few years back, Naran’s son-in-law was leaving for the Chennai Airport.

He was about to take a flight to Singapore. His one-year old child was with him and he had to carry couple of suitcases too, which as anyone could guess would be difficult to manage.

Naran slipped a paper into his pocket a piece of paper, where he had written the name (Bach Flower Remedy) “WATER VIOLET”.

As soon as his son-in-law got down from the taxi, he found help immediately from the airport authorities, in the form of paid assistance to handle his stuff.

WATER VIOLET means “Help”.

If you are about to work in a country, where you had never been and whose customs you are not used to, then take Water Violet with you.

It will help you to form relationships as well as get the help you require.
