
How Our Reactions to Problems Affect Us

Problems appear in pranic body first

All our problems enter the physical body only after entering our energy body.

Say for example, you are having some problem in the knee, liver or stomach means that one or two months prior to this, the energy body is affected in that particular area.

So maintaining the clean energy body, by realigning the energy body to the flow of Divine energy, you are cleansing, clearing and energizing and preventing the physical problem.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our energy levels

The energy body is also connected to the mind. In other words, mind is also energy. Every thought is energy and every emotion is energy too.

If you have feelings of joy and enthusiasm or any positive emotions and if you have positive thoughts then you are positively contributing to the energy. When he is in a joyful mood he can run 10 miles. If the same person is sad and depressed he cannot run even 1 mile. It means the unwanted emotions – sadness, worries or fears will dampen the energy. They will pull down the energy level by deviating from the energy flow.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our body and organs too

That means our own thoughts, thinking process and emotions have a definite impact on the energy body and in turn on the physical body.

That means each and every organ is connected to the energy body/etheric body mentally as well as etherically. Therefore, our mental thoughts and emotions will have an impact on the physical organs.

However, anger will affect only certain organs, sadness and depression will affect some other organ, and worry will affect some other. For example, while liver is affected by anger, then it will not be affected by worry.

So each and every organ is specific about receiving a particular energy. As far as the receiving of energy is concerned, it is the chakra which decides that, because each and every chakra is connected to certain organs.

When the energy is received in the form of light, each and every chakra is specific in receiving only one color. In that way the energy field is processed and maintained by the energy body.
