Case History

He works for the central government.

He was asked by the government to set-up a library that will contain books written in Urudu. But, he knows only Tamil and English.

Also, the government gave a deadline to him, to get a building for rent for the library, in a prime locality, within a certain budget, as the date to open the library by a minister has already been fixed.

He consulted Naran S Balakumar, who told him to simply repeat within himself, ‘I don’t know’.

He did, and somehow he managed to find a building for rent within the budget; found books on Urudu and got the library ready for opening before the stipulated date.

Explanation on ‘I don’t know’ mantra

‘I don’t know’ is a form of meditation. Try to find 5 to 10 minutes every day and keep saying “I don’t know”.

However, ‘I don’t know’ cannot be compared with forgiveness. The forgiveness exercise will bring you awareness. I don’t know also brings you awareness – but at a higher level.

I don’t know means humbleness. Even, if you know something, don’t say that you know. Using “I don’t know” you can heal many things.