
I hate my father-in-law


Priya fixed her daughter’s marriage.

Invitations were printed and were distributed. She was busy with her marriage.

Then she got a pain in the armpit on the right shoulder. She could not do any work.

Arm means willingness to do the work. When you don’t do something willingly then you will get problems in the right arm.

Right shoulders represent duty and responsibilities.

She did not want to invite her father-in-law

She was totally against her father-in-law attending the marriage.

She was commenting that her father-in-law was such a rogue that she will not invite him for the marriage.

Her body tells her, “Invite him, whether he is a rogue or not. He had to attend his granddaughter’s wedding”.

It was Priya’s duty to invite him.

She denied all this and said she can’t invite him. She wanted to tell me the reasons.

I told her whatever reasons she may have against her father-in-law her body wants her to invite him.

Reason: her father-in-law misbehaved with her

Previously, her father-in-law used to be with them. As he misbehaved with Priya, she exposed it and threw him out of the house.

I told her you have to give the invitation to him whether you are willing or not. Your body says so. I don’t know why it says so.

You mayn’t know what’s going on inside his mind. You are seeing your father-in-law from your angle. But your body looks at him from a different angle.

Eventually she decides to invite him

She was not happy until she entered her sister-in-law’s house, where her father-in-law was staying.

As soon as she entered the house, her father-in-law approached her voluntarily and gave her a letter.

He asked her to forgive him. He pleaded for her pardon as he was worried she would react nastily.

The letter was written on the same day he was thrown out of the house. Immediately, she could sympathize with him. As they were conversing, her pain went off.

She remarked that she would have done a great injustice if she wouldn’t have invited him for the wedding.

She said who was she to prevent him from attending his grand daughter’s wedding.

Now they are in good terms.


If you hate somebody or if you are contemptuous of a person or curse somebody, then your right shoulder will be in trouble.