The Mother’s Message
Rondeletia flowers represent MAHA SARASWATHI’S perfection in works.
Who can be benefited with these flowers?
For those people who are careless and negligent in their work.
For students who are careless and negligent in their studies.
For those, who are hasty and impatient in whatever they do – For TYPE ‘A’ personalities.
For those who change jobs frequently.
For those do everything incomplete or half-done.
For those who lack concentration.
How to use it?
Keep the picture of flower on HARA and THROAT centers – 3 minutes at each center.
Keep the picture under the pillow.
Meditate on the flower praying, “Let Supreme Divine order of MAHASARASWATHI fill up all my expressions and actions.”
Related Blogs
Solution Finder: http://healbymeditation.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/solution-finder/
Student of Life: http://theflowerangels.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/student-of-life/
Reaching the top once again: http://studyforsuccess.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/reaching-the-top-once-again/