
Sandhya is a caring person. She wanted to help her daughter-in-law (DIL) who is desperately looking for a job in US. In addition, her DIL was suffering from High-BP.

She did the following to take care of her DIL:

Did tapping (EFT) and affirmed, “FIND COUNT DIVINE ORDER NOW DONE”, for a month.

You can do tapping for solving the problems of your near and dear ones. Visualize those problems, do the necessary affirmations and tap on yourself.

It works as we are all connected with one another.

She made her DIL to listen to the CD for “High BP”, whose reading was 110/170.

It brought the pressure to normal and it never went down.

In addition, the DIL got a nice job too in a month’s time. Now do you agree with me that mother-in-laws can bring our pressure downJ?


For Low BP only medication can help, where hemoglobin is less.