
Mother of Mantras

Naran S Balakumar


This mantra is one of the most important mantras. Of course, all mantras are good. But among the group of mantras, this mantra is a very special one.

Give me one Nama that is good enough

Lord Siva says to his wife Parvati, “If you cannot say all the 1000 names of Vishnu, just say ‘Rama’. That will be good enough”.

The Vishnu Sahsaranamam happens in the earth. It was uttered it in front of the Lord Vishnu. Dharma, the eldest of Pandavas, asked Bheeshma a question,

“Which dharma (right practice) is the best among the lot?”

Bheeshma replies, “The shepherd who is in front of us is Vasudeva; you chant his 1000 names then that is the best dharma. You will get emancipated”.

Then Parvati asks Siva, “I like to say all the 1000 names. But help the poor people, who by chanting one name alone, can get the same benefit”.

Siva replies to Parvati, “Saying the name RAMA will do”.

Real meaning of Sree Ram Mantra

The first word SREE when joined with M becomes Sreem, which people use it as a Yantra. They believe if they do Pooja on the Yantra, money will pour like anything.

However, that’s not the meaning of Sreem. The original meaning is SUPREME DELIGHT and LOVE.

Who is the happiest person in the world?

He is nothing but the god. That person who personifies the character of Sreem is Rama.

When you utter the word RA, it will continuously expand. Like the mantra ‘OM’ it will expand to greater distances.

If you have an intention, then it can travel to any amount of distance with the help of Ram.

Can remove suffering in any form

When M is added to RA, then it means ‘It is shining like a sun’. Like sun is brighter, this mantra is a bright and light-filled mantra. The word RA is inscribed in each of the arrows used by Rama.

JA – any mental and physical suffering can be removed by this word.

YA – means renewal and revival

This is an ultimate mantra for cancer. To cure cancer this is the best and ultimate mantra. To prevent cancer also we can use this mantra.

Treatment for Cancer

What is Chemotherapy? It destroys all cancer cells.

While the cancerous cells are destroyed, ordinary cells cannot survive. Only this mantra can protect one from the greatest annihilation.

There are many who have used this mantra to come out of cancer. However, I am not advising you that this mantra is enough and therefore you may stop all your treatments for cancer.

But if you chant this mantra, whatever suffering you undergo – both mentally and physically, you can come out of it.

When you chant this mantra, visualize that Lord Hanuman is standing as tall as the sky and chanting along with you. Imagine how much powerful the chanting will become then!!!
